Chapter 16

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The bus was crowded and late when I finally boarded it but I managed to find a seat near the back next to a young woman who wore too much perfume that it made my nose sore, but I tried not to let it dampen my good mood as I held my bag closely to my chest. I had been looking forward to this evening since the beginning of the week when I made the arrangements with Leo; I was meeting him in Devizes to spend a few hours with his childhood friend then we were going to his place for the night and I would travel home tomorrow ready for work. It all felt so real life and something I hadn’t ever done before so I was itching with excitement. When the bus finally arrived at my stop I felt stiff from sitting for so long and found Leo waiting for me with a smile. I gave him the usual peck on the cheek and followed him to his car that was parked across the street and was thankful when he said the journey to his friends house was only a few minute drive; I don’t think I could cope with sitting for much longer in a small space.

When we arrived at the cottage that sat on a narrow deserted road next to a couple of similar properties we were greeted at the door by his friend who I was introduced to as Woody. He was slightly shorter than Leo with similar colouring but a wider build and muscle. I shook his hand and followed them down the hall the kitchen where his partner Julie was waiting to give hugs and pecks to Leo and myself as though she’d known me for years and I was a good friend; I fidgeted a little feeling embarrassed. She was a very slim, tall dark woman who told me she was from the Caribbean originally but moved here after Uni to marry Woody. While she told me the story Leo caught up with his friend while we got comfortable in their garden that was warmed by a patio heater; the couple cuddling on one swing chair, Leo and myself on the one opposite. Looking at them I could see they were very much in love and I envied them, how I would love to find that. I looked to Leo who seemed happy and I really wanted to sit closer to him but only managed to shuffle a bit so our bodies barely touched. He looked to me briefly and smiled before looking back to the couple.

Feeling more at ease after half hour we snacked and chatted about a wide range of topics; listening to school stories, economics, jobs and the work they were having done on the Cottage. It was at that point that Woody decided to show us the garden; it was pretty narrow but extremely long. They had a vegetable garden at the bottom with a few sheds and green houses on some gravel and the whole area was hidden by a 10ft odd wall. Before that was a small waterfall and pond, grass and flower beds then a patio complete with iron furniture, then the decking we had been sat on. Of course Woody got excited over the long grass area because it was where he practiced his golf and insisted we all had a game of mini golf. I hadn’t ever played before and Leo wasn’t a fan of the game but was willing to play for my benefit.

“I love this game” I declared after finally getting the ball through the last obstacle, sometime after the guys had finished which made them laugh.

“Another go” Leo chuckled and I agreed with excitement

“You’ll have to have a proper game one day” Woody told me “If Leo won’t take you I will”

The next game I done slightly better and was quite sad it we had to pack up and go because I was having too much fun; Leo’s friends were excellent company. Julie packed Leo off with a large bag of fruit and Vegetables and offered me some, but I declined. They said to pop in again soon, but I wasn’t sure that was exactly directed at me and I wasn’t sure Leo would invite me next time, but they said they might book into the Hotel for their Anniversary so I guess I might see them then.

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