Chapter 3

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The next few days were pretty quiet in the Hotel. Yes, we were busy guest wise and a conference was being held, but it was all work. Greeting guests, preparing the conference room, clearing the room and putting it back to its usual look, getting any guests settled in. Some even asked about where to go get to get company for the night and being the 5star Hotel we were, were more than willing to accept the request and called upon the farm; sometimes even the staffs were flirted with and we took it upon ourselves to ‘entertain’ them. People will never cease to amaze me, half of these people were supposed to be married.

I had a conversation with Henry about Chelsea much to my disappointment, but I came clean over my feelings on it won’t work out; the evening was uncomfortable and we didn’t get along

“Give it time Greg” he pleaded “I guess she’s just shy”

“I am perfectly happy on my own, I don’t need a companion. I do alright by myself”

“But you always seem unhappy”

“I am grateful for your concern, but Chelsea or any other companion won’t fill any void I may have” I tried assuring him but he didn’t seem to believe me, repeating the same thing; ‘give it time’.

Even my attempt to appear livelier and happier wasn’t noticed by him. I left his Office feeling annoyed; why did he have to be so persistent? I made my way back to the room I shared with Joe and found him stretched out on his bed already dressed for work in his black trousers, matching thin tie and white shirt. He was annoying me too; he wouldn’t talk about our conversation in the toilets about this someone he apparently held interest in so I done my best to ignore him. I spent a few decades being a loner, so being alone didn’t bother me too much and I had other friends here to be social with. It bothered him though although he tried to hide it. I did however tell him I was hitting the nightclubs with Carlos and Jenny on Saturday and he was welcome to join us after his shift, despite being secretive and an annoying flirt, he was my best friend and did save me.

Dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and dark grey shirt, hair neatly across my face I entered the club with Carlos who wore similar to what he did at my party; Jenny dressed in a white short tight dress on his arm with me walking behind them. It was an average club, dark minus the small lighting in the ceilings that gave enough light to see where you were going, few bars scattered around the outskirts of the room, large dance floor with stools around the pillars with small tall tables to put drinks, not that I really consume alcohol. Modern day music was being pumped out the speakers above the dance floor making it vibrate. The bar and seating areas were quieter thank goodness because the loudness hurt my sensitive hearing.

It was already packed when we arrived, the dance floor busy with many dancers grinding each other or making out, most seats already taken and queues at the bar.  As we made our way to the back of the room I scanned the area for potential donors; girls dressed in slutty clothes hoping to pull a one night stand, less obvious ones seeking fun for the evening and maybe an exchange of numbers and then there were those just out for the evening with friends. My choice definitely wasn’t the first ones, the later clung to each other so they were dangerous; the second being my preferred choice. As usual there were plenty of people here; a good couple of hundred, but I wasn’t looking at them to make advances, I preferred them to come to me and had no doubt I wouldn’t have to wait long where we naturally attracted people.

I ordered myself a bottle of water that I would consume myself and a bottle of beer that I would exchange occasionally with Carlos for him to drink; it wasn’t a good idea to be in a night club without an alcoholic beverage in your hand. After we’d gotten our drinks we found a clear area to stand in to watch and talk for a while, chat being of the usual; people around us in terms of the club, especially those who approached us and why we wouldn’t go off with them. Carlos wasn’t particular about anyone and was waiting for his soul mate. I didn’t believe in them personally, but I wasn’t going to question his believes, or the Lycan way; he deserved to have something to believe in. Jenny usually preferred to approach the guy feeling it was too old fashioned for the guy to make all the moves and the ones that usually did were single for a reason; inadequate looks and personality. Myself, it was the too flirty ones, or they wore too much perfume that not only hurt my nose, but drowned their scents. I wasn’t too keen on those who drank too much alcohol or had used drugs either because it tainting their blood.

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