Living In The Past Looking Forward To The Future

Start from the beginning

Qetesh cautiously walks over to Priest Seto and stands before him with her hands intertwined in front of her body "Seto!?!"  she says with a soft cautious tone not looking at him she feels his finger cup her chin and allows it to lift her head so that their eyes meet "shy as ever!"  Priest Seto teases softly "I feared you wouldn't except me!"  she tells him "why wouldn't I except you!?!"  he asks he notices her eyes wander over to her sister and he sighs then says "you always know my thoughts!"  then his lips meet hers once their lips depart from one another he pulls her to his side and sees her smile "FINALLY!"  he thinks to himself.... Isra makes sure that Atem stays out of view of the assassin she knew was there "Mahad!"  Isra calls out her brother looks at her and she points her finger at her shoulder at first Mahad was confused then he looks up at the balcony and sees a shady looking man hiding behind a pillar "guards.... seize that man!"  he orders everyone looks at him then up at where he's pointing and they also see the hidden man at first they look at him in shock then they see his eyes wander over to his sister Isra and they understood that she was the one who clued him in his own smile told them so and the guards rush to seize the intruder and arrest him "bring the scoundrel before the Pharaoh!"  Priest Seto orders as the guards bring the assassin before them Isra stands up and says softly "no! don't!!"  Priest Seto looks at her with a surprised expression on his face as she stands protectively the in front of Atem "don't ask I don't know why either.... it's just a feeling!"  she explains softly Priest Seto nods the worried look on her face worries him for he knew her "feelings" have never been wrong before especially when it comes to the pharaoh being in danger "assaulting the king of Egypt is an inexcusable crime!"  Isis shouts at the assassin "we're in the midst of a sacred ceremony cast this man to the dungeon"  Mahad says "wait not yet"  Priest Seto says and he feels Qetesh gently grip his arm as the other members of the pharaoh's court look at him "I have a better idea"  Priest Seto says he knew that Qetesh knew what he was about to suggest and the way she and her sister were acting confirmed his suspicions of this man who is kneeling before them with the palace guards at his side "let's use this rogue to demonstrate for the new Pharaoh the full extent of our power! don't you agree Master Aknadin?"  he asks facing the man across from him the look on Qetesh's face becomes dark and hateful at least SOME things haven't changed though he never understood why she hates the man he respects so much "Master Shimon?"  he adds as both men look at him Aknadin nods as Shimon says "very well so let it be written.... so let it be done let this man's judgement begin"  Mahad looks at Isra's pleading eyes and thinks "I am sorry sister!"  he sees her nod understandingly at him and his body feels relived he had worried that she might be disappointed in him but she knew that it was something he HAD to do for it was his duty to do it "yes commence with the Millennium Trial of this man's soul!"  Priest Seto orders Isra takes Atem's hand as she sits on his left leg as he asks "a Millennium Trial?"  Shimon replies as he walks over to them "yes my king with a position of great power often comes great danger and criminals that threaten the ruler of Egypt must be dealt with accordingly"  Isra lays her body up against Atem's and he subconsciously starts to comb through her hair with his fingers this sensation felt strangely familiar to him and seemed to anger Aayizah and make her even more jealous for Isra and Qetesh ALWAYS got more affection from men of great power than she did and that pissed her off "but you need not be alarmed Pharaoh"  Isis adds "we the members of your sacred court are here to assure your safety at all times"  Aknadin adds Atem feels a difference in Isra's behavior as the older man speaks one that shows that she doesn't like nor trust that man but his curiosity of what sort of trail he was about to witness overpowered his concern for why she felt that way "thou shall now be judged by the dark magic of the seven Millennium Items!"  Priest Seto says to the prisoner then he turns to Qetesh and says softly "go stand by your sister"  she nods then does as she is told he smirks as though teasing her and saying "such an obedient little girl you are!" she sticks out her tongue at him and he chuckles a short low soft chuckle then he goes back to work "Shada will start"  Priest Seto says Shada who looks a little like Shadi takes off his hood as he walks over and stands before the prisoner then says "now with the power of the Millennium Key I shall read your mind"  he raises the Millennium Key and points it towards the prisoner and it glows Shada, Qetesh and Isra get a glimpse of a monstrous face with glowing red slitted eyes Priest Seto hears Qetesh gasp and as though by instinct he rushes over to her and grips her hand "the shadow of an evil creature lurks inside his heart"  Shada proclaims next Aknadin takes his turn standing before the prisoner he says "I shall now invoke the energies of the Millennium Eye thus revealing and extracting the being that dwells within"  the Millennium Eye shines then glows a yellow light forms around the prisoner's body and he starts screaming Qetesh hides her head in Priest Seto's arm as grey smoke comes out of the prisoner's mouth "what's happening to him?"  Atem asks with a surprised expression on his face "the Millennium Items have detected a Shadow Creature in the heart of this criminal little is known about these beings of darkness only that they feed on the anger and hatred of humans once a Shadow Creature is born it forces it's host to commit acts of evil creating even more darkness to feast upon"  Shimon replies "I had always wondered if the items themselves created the beasts within after all everyone has darkness within them but it's their choice whether they let it show itself or not!.... people don't always have it easy and end up doing things they swore they would never do so that they can survive or they begin to fear the wrath of someone stronger than them that forces them to do things they wouldn't normally do.... fear is a weapon and a very powerful one at that it can be your greatest ally or enemy!.... these creatures didn't begin to show up until after the Millennium Items were made nor were things this bad!.... it all just seems like an excuse or faked reason why all these terrible things are happening!"  Isra says into Atem's heart as a monster with four clawed arms appears before them....

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