Runaway Bride

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Her mind was clouded by the thought unable to process it. Almost tasting the afterthought in the back of her throat. Shaking it off she she stripped bare and threw on the clothes. Today was a nice day, the kind to wear a dress to flow in the wind and tie at the neck.

She sat on her bed admiring the view of her window, she had time to slow down and relax but the "Boss" always called for her. What is she going to say, no? They turned her life around and shaped her skills into who she is today. Without them she would've been in the "Gulag" with all the other unworthy criminals.

Eve stood in bathroom looking at the clothes Villanelle gave her to wear. She unraveled the shirt and looked at the generic print. She held the t shirt in her hands then brought it close to her face. She melt the shirt, it smelt like Elle very much so. In a way it was comforting. Laying in her bed beside her, wearing her clothes,and having brunch.It was all so delightful and Eve just met her yesterday.

Quiet odd but she felt safe with Villanelle. She was enjoying herself for once. She'd been sad for awhile since what happened years ago. Eve's husband Nikolias left her at the altar and ran away with her money. All Eve had was her education and some money saved in cash to restart her life from then. But she was past that now, now she had a new friend who seems to enjoy her company. A new great job that gave her many benefits.Also a roommate who is well unfortunately leaving but allowed her to stay with her.

She shook out of her temporal state and began undressing, wondering where they were going to eat at. She threw on the t shirt and jean. She stumbled out of the restroom then quickly rebalanced herself. She walked back to the room and placed her folded clothes onto the nightstand.

FlatmatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora