Chapter 1: Beginning

Start from the beginning

"what shops?", Sam continues to ask me stupid questions.

I sigh, "oh for primus's sake", I yell annoyed, as I see Optimus and Jazz race down the street.

"look dude, nice meeting you Sam , but i gotta run", I exclaim really fast and sprint into the school, with him chasing after me.

"get back here!", Sam yells, he grabs my arm and I spin around elbowing him in the gut he lets go and I sprint off again , I take a glance behind me to see three bright blue eyed males chasing me.

I shove people out of my way as I come up with a plan.

The Ladies Restroom.

Bullseye!. There it is!, on the left,. I swing open the door but it gets slam shut by what looked like a twenty year old male, wearing Black skinny jeans, Black T-shirt that clung to his toned out body and Black army boots.

"ahh shit", I swore out loud. Yeah don't mind me. Sailor mouth. I had ran into the Trigger-happy-truck, Ironhide.

"your coming with us", he says in a deep voice, which nearly makes me melt, i love deep voices they are smexy, Just saying.

I cough, "Stranger Danger Sir", I state and turn to walk away, but get stopped when the three men catch up and Halt in front of me.

One had Silver hair looked like a Nineteen Year old, white T-shirt, Gray Skinny Jeans with Gray Converse's and white Beats on his head. Jazz.

Second one looked young about 16, Blonde hair with the tips black, Yellow T-shirt, Black skinny jeans, with black Vans. Bee

Third one looked thirty, had Sandy-blonde hair with a Green T-shirt underneath a White Doctors coat and Brown Skinny Jeans with Dark Green Combat boots. Ratchet.

I groan, "what did I do?", I whine loudly trying to find an escape root.

"Why do you have the Autobot Logo on your.. peds, i mean shoes", Ironhide exclaims.

"You tell me", I say with sarcasm.

He growls annoyed, and I roll my eyes, "look I got to go and eat chips at BurgerKing", I lie.

Bumblebee Smirks with Jazz, as Ratchet scrunches up his nose in disgust, " Eat healthy not Chips that have all unhealthy oils in them!!", Ratchet says in disgust.

"look Grampa, I'm skinny enough. I do not need to be told by an Old man how to eat", I state frustrated.

Ratchet Glares at me, "I am not old!!", he growls at me. I sigh running my hand through my brown hair.

"why is this happening", I whisper slightly in panic, leaning against the door Ironhide had closed on me. I sink to the ground, exhausted by running. I need to exercise more. Nah Later.

"Miss come with us please or we will use force", I hear a voice come behind Ironhide out of no where and I can not see him which scares the crap out of me, so I react by jumping to my feet and doing a Ninja stance.

"I know Karate and-Oh", I quickly go back to my original stance noticing it was Optimus who simply looked at me.

I dust off my hands and clap twice, "I'm hungry , look at the time actually i have no clue what the time is but yah, bye!", I yell as I run down the hall and out of the school.

I scream as I get tackled down the school steps, My phone falls out my pocket, making it smash on the ground but that was the least of my worries.

1st of all; I'm in the Bayverse Dimenson

2nd of all; I don't want to go all Fangirl on the Autobots.

3rd of all; I am so dead

"OW!", I scream , holding onto my head that hit like twenty steps, I sit up to see Ironhide and William Groaning in pain.

"That was such an idiotic move!", I scold them, as the rest run up with amusement.

"I am not an idiot, femme!", Ironhide hisses at me with narrowed eyes.

"Yes you are you tackled me down STAIRS!", I argue, pointing at the concrete steps.

"shut it!, I'm in pain", Will shouts holding onto his back and head, as Ratchet checks him and Ironhide that are groaning.

"Oh your guys are such crybabies!", i complain, standing up but fall back down to the concrete ground with a big ass thud hitting my head hard, as I realize i have a fucked up ankle.

"that was fun!", I say with sarcasm, earning amused stares as Ratchet sprints to me examining my ankle and head.

"nothing serious , your ankle is just a bit bruised up and swollen", Ratchet states while removing his hands from my ankle.

"cheers", I thank him.

"Your welcome", He replies simply before helping me up,.I lean against him for support.

"she is right, you guys are babies", Jazz teases his ego running higher than ever.

Ironhide scoffs, standing up and walking towards me. He grabs my arm, literally yanking me before dragging me to his Alt-form, with such force. I am literally tripping over.

"watch it!", I hiss in pain as my feet skidded across the ground.

Ratchet Grabs me back in his care, glaring at Ironhide, "your going to make her injuries worse!", Ratchet scolds Ironhide hitting him across the head with a wrench, he growls in pain once again and rubs his head while glaring at Ratchet whom glared back.

I giggle in amusement, earning a dark glare from Ironhide. I roll my eyes hoping back over to the rest with Ratchets help.

"Look we got off on a bad start", Sam starts but i cut him off.

"uhm its ok, I kinda went all karate on ya", I laugh lightly. Sam joins in with a chuckle.

"Yes, indeed", William says.

I sighed finding myself in the back of Ironhide's Alt-form. fiddling with my blue-T-shirt as Will started to ask questions about me and who I am. So I could gain their trust and They could gain mine.

Mentally fangirling, I knew I was going to make the most of this.

I so hope I am not dreaming.

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