Chapter 31: Visiting The Briefs

Start from the beginning

"You deserve a break!" Chi Chi remarked, grinning at her warmly. "You've been working so hard lately... And when you get back, I promise I'll make you a special treat!"

"Do I get a special treat too Chi Chi?" Goku questioned, glancing at his wife innocently as she frowned.

"When you start helping me around the house, you'll get one!" She growled as Goku pouted for a moment before returning his attention to the plate in front of him. "Now, run along dear... We'll see you later!"

Luna smiled, heading for the door as she thought about what Bulma had told her. I'm not sure if her plan is going to work... She thought to herself, knowing it was definitely a long shot. But I do owe her one... Well, more than one....... How many cakes has she made me again? Luna shook her head, about to take off when a deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

"I hope you're not thinking about ditching on our training tonight..." Piccolo grumbled, looking at her seriously as she waved her hands in front of her nervously.

"O-oh... Well... It'll only be for a couple of days..." Luna explained, trying her best to ignore the angry look he was giving her. "Bulma really needs my help... It could be important..." She went on, sounding strangely serious before returning to her cheery self again.

"Anyway, I'll try not to be gone too long... I'll see you later Piccolo!" Luna finished, smiling at him quickly before taking off as he watched her go.

Tch, it better be important... Piccolo frowned, thinking about how much time had gone by already. Three years will be gone before we know it...


Meanwhile, at the Brief's compound...


Yamcha was in the front yard training, Puar coaching him on as he practiced his kicks and punches.

"Come on Yamcha!" Puar squeaked, "I know you can go faster than that!"

That Vegeta... Yamcha thought to himself with a frown as he glanced towards the training capsule that was sitting not too far away. He thinks he's so tough in that little capsule of his... Training at three hundred times gravity... Well, I'll show him that he's not half as tough as he pretends to be! I'll show him that I can be just as tough as he is! He thought, stopping his training as Puar looked at him in surprise.

"Let's take five Puar... I wanna see what Vegeta's up to in there..." Yamcha mumbled, walking over to the capsule as he floated up towards one of the windows. Both of them glanced inside, looking around as Puar spoke up.

"I guess this is what they mean by 'taking it to the limit'... Right Yamcha?"

"Quiet Puar! And keep your head down..." Yamcha hissed as they both continued to eavesdrop.

"Initiate gravity simulation. Three hundred times planet's normal gravity." A robotic voice stated as multiple hovering drones surrounded the Saiyan warrior. "Initiating defense program... Level five. Assuming defense formation."

Vegeta growled, fighting against the crushing weight of the gravity in the room as he spun around, firing a blast of energy at one of the drones. The ball of ki bounced from machine to machine before heading right for the Saiyan, missing his face by inches as he dodged.

I can do this... Vegeta thought to himself, clenching his fists together as he growled. I'm a Saiyan... I'm the most powerful warrior in the universe!

Yamcha and Puar watched with wide eyes as the Saiyan continued to dodge the computer's attacks, all of them coming incredibly close to hitting him as Vegeta pushed himself to the limits of his powers. Suddenly the ball of energy changed course, striking him in the shoulder as he fell towards the ground. Vegeta's eyes went wide as the attack followed him, slamming into him as the explosion bathed the whole capsule in a white light. Puar and Yamcha covered their eyes, jumping back instinctively as the whole capsule shook from the force of the blast.

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