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ALSO I PUT UP A ONESHOT CALLED "CAPTIVE", IT'S ALSO DP/JL. Okay, caps lock off. It's Pitch Pearl, but I don't personally ship it, it's more like I really wanted to experiment with how the dynamics of everything would change, but if you want, I can turn it into a full-fledged story. There won't be anything for a while, but I actually like the idea, it was fun trying to work out how everything would work and have a some ideas for more oneshots (there might end up being an overlaying plot, but I doubt it)

Also, I have another pet-project that's DP/JL— it's one of those six times/one times thing and I think it's gonna be pretty good. I'm only two chapters in, but it seems pretty good so far.

I have yet another DP/JL book I'm working on called Brightest Day, Blackest Night and it exists because it popped in my head and wouldn't go away until I started writing. It's still in major construction as there's very little plot planned (though I have enough of a support that I might just do small story arcs...), but I like where it's headed.

Okay, this should be the last one, I swear— I'm working on a DP/JL book (Vicky, this is the one I spammed you about at 2AM, thank you for being a boss and just saying "oh no" and then listening to my idea even though there was a high chance it would corner you again) about Jazz where she moves to Metropolis and it's based around her relationship with Superman (and Batman) because I love writing scenes with them. They are literally the highlight of my day and I'm desperately trying to find a story I can use their interactions in (spoiler, but the upcoming chapter SLEEP is literally (of every chapter I've ever written) my favorite and basically the tone of the book). It ends up being pretty feel-good with some darker tones, but it's probably going to end up being 60% crack, 30% cringe and 10% "WTF HANNAH WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!"

Anyway... I'm letting you go... sorry for being a dickwad :D ]

"...THERE ARE INDICATIONS that the death of Amity Park's resident hero may have a direct correlation, however they all point to the Wisconsin Ghost being responsible. I'm not at liberty to discuss these connections at this time..." The woman's voice echoes over the TV, Rayla only vaguely listening as she paid more attention to the baby monitor that she and Garry had borrowed from their neighbors. Garry sat forward in rapt attention. "...So far the influx of crime and destruction caused by a small percentage of ghostkind shows a jump after Phantom's death and a smaller previous one that resulted in his death and the death of Daniel Fenton, son of Ghost Hunters Jackson and Madeleine Fenton..." Garry glanced over. "Ray, he isn't going to flatline if you do som--"

Garry was cut off by a sharp gasp, completely missing the next part of Jazz's conference, both adults rushing to the boy who'd just woken up after six months.

"...There is no more information on the Fentons that we are allowed to release..."

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