• FEAR •

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SAM HADN'T EXPECTED TO RUN into Valerie on her supply (and rescue) run on her way to grab her grandmother.

"Your grandmother?" The girl asked simply.

Sam nodded, silent.

"Paulina's set up a safe house and somehow heard that your grandmother hadn't moved from here. I came to take her back."

Same narrowed her eyes a bit.

"She's shockingly paranoid for a primadona," Valerie adds. "We've got enough food to last at least the next six months and that's with most of the high school there."

Sam paused to think about it. "...Fine. Let me write a note for her so she knows I said to go. And don't tell her that I'm not there." She adds before picking up an abandoned backpack and pulling a notebook and pen out, scribbling out a short letter. "Here. We going to set up comms?"

Valerie shrugs. "Pretty sure Mikey has an AM radio. You?"

"Tucker mentioned building one in first grade."

"Same time tomorrow then," Valerie suggested. "I'll bring the frequency."

"And I'll bring ours," Sam agrees. "I have a way into Paulina's, so if someone attacks us or if someone attacks you..."

"Got it." Valerie acknowledged, nodding. "Good luck."

Sam snorted, taking Valerie's offered hand. "Keep it," She joked dryly, "we're all gonna need as much of it as we can get."

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