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[If I explained the week I've had we'd be here all day.]

PAULINA SANCHEZ WASN'T NEARLY as stupid as she led the others into believing. After all, it was difficult to maintain a 3.7 GPA and plan the perfect party-- granted, nerds like Mikey did her homework, but only when she was sure that she understood it, otherwise she did it herself, and if that failed, paid the nerds to keep their mouths shut about walking her through it until she was sure she had it. No, just cunning. Cunning and prepared.

So when the two mushroom clouds went up, her personal Ghost Shield (that she purchased using her dad's credit card) went up along with a social media post that anyone in need of shelter could come to her place.

Now wasn't the time to keep up her ditz cover; the town was under attack, for God's sake. Paulina had started preparing the moment Danny Phantom gone missing.

The second Dash was at her house, he tried to take over, much to her and Valerie's chagrin. Paulina was so disappointed when Valerie's father lost his job and she had to be kicked out. She was sharper than a whip, or at least smart enough to realize that the Latina was no idiot. So was Sam, at least, that's why Paulina thought she was always so frustrated with her. Paulina just wished that Sam would let her show the goth how to get people to collapse at her feet and still be who she is (just in case she ever got the chance, there was a dark crimson dress in the back of her closet for the girl)-- that girl would be shocked to see that Paulina's room was lacking pretty much any pink. Hell, most of her stuff had been replicated, painted and then staged in another room which she claimed to be her room in front of others.

Like I said, cunning.

Paulina, being the good Catholic girl she was, had studied the Bible thoroughly and was sure that she could go head-to-head with Lucifer at this rate.

Anyway, back to Dash (ugh-- she was starting to regret the act-- no one took her seriously), Paulina was mostly sure that Valerie was frustrated with his dick-measuring because of how inexperienced he was in leading (just face it) and fighting Ghosts (she was, too), but Paulina had come up with a solid plan on how to get everyone in line. Especially since the rest of the A-listers were there...

"Paulina, what'd you want?" Valerie demanded exasperatedly as she came up to her on the third floor.

Paulina said nothing, instead grabbing her wrist and dragging her down the hall to her real room. She threw open the door and practically body slammed Valerie in. "This is my room." She deadpanned as she shut the door. "Not that pink monstrosity I set up on the fifth floor." She sniffed. Paulina slipped past Valerie and went to sit on the chair in the corner, gesturing the the edge of the bed.

Valerie seemed stunned, but not overly, more like she was just surprised at how many whites and creams she had managed to incorporate without it feeling overdone. "I assume you have a plan?" She deadpanned, the question coming out more like a statement of facts (which it was).

Paulina hummed. "We let the others think they have the power." She said bluntly.

"You mean Dash." Valerie sneered, sitting back, crossing her arms (see, this is what Paulina wished she could be sometimes: unapologetically blunt like Valerie and Sam (she would get that girl into that dress and some wedged boots)).

Paulina tilted her head slightly in confirmation, though the way her face twisted made it plenty clear she didn't entirely like it. "He and the other A-listers, but yes, Dash," She tells the African-American girl. "In reality, we'll be doing the leading. You'll fight your way into our 'circle' and become a runner of sorts. I have supplies, but they weren't supposed to supply this many people at once. If you go now there's still plenty of time."

Valerie pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes a little. "What about Sam and Tucker?"

"If they come here, they're more than welcome to stay. However, that isn't the only reason. I want you to go get Ida Manson before the Ghosts do."

Valerie searched Paulina's face for lies and trickery, and Paulina knew the girl would find none (part of her whispered a correction to "friend").

"Where do I sign up?"

GHOST PROTOCOL   {JLU/DP}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon