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"YO, I deadass think you should relax." Harry shrugged. "It's common to fancy your best friend!"

Zayn pursed his lips. "So you're saying you're okay with having wet dreams about us?"

How ridiculous does Harry sound? This is disgusting, who even thinks about their friends that way? Unless it's one of those fanfictions where best friends fall in love.

Well, this ain't a fan fiction so Zayn NEEDS to collect his thoughts as soon as possible—

"I wouldn't mind. I mean, have you looked at Louis?" Harry smiled, and said dreamily and Zayn choked on air.

"Harry, disgusting!" He yelled.

The curly haired shushed him, and rolled his eyes. "I was kidding, jeez."

"You better be!" The raven haired scowled. He pulled out his phone to check the time, still scowling with the other lad just staring boredly at him from where he was struggling to even fit into such a closed space.

Zayn then opened the door of the janitor and peaked outside. "Cool. There's no one, this is our queue."

The taller sighed, pushed the other away from the way and barged out of the closet only to breathe freely.

Harry felt like Zayn was just making a fuss over the whole situation, while he can just accept the fact that he fucked his best friend in his dream and relax. It's not like Louis will come to know anytime soon.

"Wait," he stopped Zayn from walking and turned him around.

"Yeah?" Zayn responded, looking up at him.

"Who topped?"

Zayn blinked. "Are you serious right now?"

"Tell me!!" He whined.

"It was me, Harry, what the fuck?" He frowned. "Louis can't top me for shit. Have you looked at that juicy ass?"

"Oh hell yeah, I have-"

"Disgusting, Harry!"


It was half an hour past 4 in the evening and Zayn was patiently waiting for Louis to show up so that they could walk home together like everyday. Since the football practice was cancelled, they were allowed to go home sooner.

Zayn, being Zayn, layed his head against the arm rest of the bench he was sitting on and pulled out his phone to go through some e-books that he had downloaded.

But, he did everything else on his phone than read a book. For example,  googling "how do you know whether you like someone?" Or for thay matter, "why did I fuck my best friend in my dreams?"

He narrowed his eyes at the results he received. "You might never know how table turn. But dreams do come true. Keep waiting for the right moment and make a move on you nest friend."

Cringe. Cringe.  Cringe.

Can't anyone be serious for a while? Zayn DOESN'T  want to fuck Louis. That's that.

Sure they might have talked about it a lot of times, but it's just really NOT cool to think about it acually happening.

Wait, if Zayn can get Louis to bottom then he wins against the older.

Oh my god. Did he really consider it?

The phone slipped from his hands and fell on his face, leaving him gasping in pain. He pulled himself back to sit upright and decided to text Louis.

No, it wasn't about getting him to bottom. That's like.. very suspicious. Pfft It's not like they talk about it everyday.

Zayn: lou where you

Louis: why?

Zayn: why what? Im waiting you dumbfuck

Louis: OHHHH dont wait z, go home

Zayn: ?? We dont have practice wtf are you doing? Where are you?

Louis: im not in school

Zayn: yk ive been waiting for almost an hour TELL ME WHERE ARE YOU

Louis: im with this bird Eleanor

Zayn: oh

Louis: ye

Zayn switched off his phone and pursed his lips in annoyance. Louis could have informed alright. Now Zayn had to walk home alone in the cold and he had also denied Harry's company.

Harry was with that irish lad anyway, and they seemed to get along well.

Zayn sighed, while picking his bag up again and swinging it around his shoulders. Guess  he'll aim for some alone time then.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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