part fourteen

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Sundays have always been one of Hanna's favorites days in her home. Of course she loved every other day she got to spend in that cozy little dream home of hers. With that beautiful wife of hers. And that incredible little girl who called her mama. But there was something about Sunday. It was the one day where Emily didn't have to be up and ready by seven to miss the freeway traffic. The one day Hanna never had meetings or a set schedule. The two women got to stay in their soft bed, wrapped in each others arms and not be woken by an alarm. Which they never really are during the week either but it was different on that day. 

It was their first official Sunday as legal guardians of Presley. Their first November as parents. Which meant, their first holiday season as a family. 

"Emily, you have to get up," Hanna said softly as she pulled away from her wife's embrace. "It's Christmas."

Emily groaned and moved over a little, wrapping herself in the duvet. "I'm tired." Emily Marin was very rarely tired. Sure, she owned a business, had a teenager, and an aggressively pregnant wife who couldn't get her hands off of her these past few months. Thanks hormones. But yeah, rarely tired. 

"Babe, come on," Hanna gently tugged at the duvet. "It's Sunday, and Christmas time."

"Sunday you say..." Emily yawned. "Isn't Sunday the day you let your amazingly talented wife sleep in until eight and nine if she's sick like she is now?"

"Last Sunday, yeah, but this is November 1st," Hanna rolled her eyes. "Come on. I have our sweaters and I brought the tree in last night."

That last sentence caused Emily to sit up in the bed almost immediately. "I'm sorry. What?"

"I brought our eight foot tree in when you fell asleep so you would have no choice but to decorate it with me like we always do on the first-"

"You're basically full term, babe."

Hanna jumped out of bed, wrapping her robe around her, and winking on her way out. "I'm gonna bring more heavy boxes in if you don't come downstairs. I'm sure baby Marin won't appreciate thaaaat!"

"It's literally the first!" Emily called after her. 


"Does she do this every year?" Presley Marin asked her mother softly, as she smoothed her sweater and let out a small yawn. She was woken up with jingle bells and a cozy new Christmas jumper that matched her mothers

Hanna was never a Christmas person growing up. She never knew who she would be spending with and it never felt too special. But as soon as they left Rosewood and built their beautiful life as Mrs. and Mrs., she grew to love this time of year. So November 1st, it was Christmas sweater and tree day. They would take the day off even if it was the middle of the week, to decorate the house and make it a winter wonderland. This was their first tree day as a family of three, four, if you count the bump. 

Emily couldn't help but smile as her wife hummed to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" while wrapping the lights around the tree. "Every year," she followed Presley further into the kitchen to get some morning coffee. "And man oh man-"


Emily smiled again and continued. "I love your mama. So much."

"You don't say," Presley said with a hint of sarcasm and a grin. "Really?"

"Shush," Emily laughed while she grabbed their mugs from the cupboard. "Here, take Rudolph, I call Santa."


Hanna Marin finished hanging the last stocking on her fireplace. This was always her favourite part of the year. And this year, she got her four stockings. Which she never really thought would happen for her. 

Sure, she married Emily with the intention of building a family with her but in the back of her mind, she always felt like that sixteen year old who had to look over her shoulder constantly and thought it would somehow end up that way again. She was never able to lay back and enjoy the holiday season. 

"Hey, hon'," Hanna's thoughts were interrupted when Emily came into the living room and wrapped her arms around her. Hanna leaned into the touch. "Lights are done outside."

"Thank you, my love," Hanna said, followed by a small moan. "I'm basically done in here."

Emily pulled away and looked at her wife with concern. "Are you okay? You've been groaning and moaning all day."

"Yes, Emily, I'm fine," Hanna replied, knowing damn well she probably wasn't. She was thirty-seven weeks along which meant, yeah, she could pop anytime. But today was tree day and the contractions weren't intense. "Here's a problem we need to deal with though."


"Vogue needs a new stocking. I guess we forgot to put it in the tote last year when I was cleaning so now our baby doesn't have a stocking and I feel really bad," Hanna told her wife. "So you must take me to Target. ASAP."

Emily sighed. She loved her wife and her wife's love for the season more than anything. "I'm just going to go let Presley know we're heading to Target," she tossed her keys to her. "Meet me in the vehicle."

"I love you."

"I love you more."


"Which Target?" Emily asked as she backed out of their driveway, turning the heat up slightly. "The one we like or the close one?" 

"Close one because I have to tell you something," Hanna said quietly, with her hand on her bump. "I might be in labour." 

The two of them jerked as Emily braked the vehicle. "Hanna...."

"I might be in labour but we need Vogue's stocking!!!"

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