part four

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Hanna walked into the bedroom that was soon to be occupied by the fourteen year old she had agreed to take into her home the day before. Kelsey was able to keep Presley with her for the night so they were able to prepare for her arrival. At first, Hanna thought they would just put Presley in the guest bedroom, and then realized they had plans to make it into a baby's room, seeing as it was the only bedroom near theirs. She didn't want to have the awkward hey, you have to get out of this room so I can make it a nursery talk a few months down the line so she ultimately decided to furnish one of the upstairs bedrooms. 

The night before was spent roaming IKEA, and putting together furniture, and wiping down the bathroom (that no one has used before), in preparation for Presley's arrival. 

"Emily, do you think she'll like it?" Hanna called out as she stared at the now furnished bedroom. "I hope she likes it." 

"She'll love it," Emily entered the bedroom and wrapped her arms around her wife. "It's so gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as you." 

She was right. The walls were already painted grey when they moved in, and Hanna kept the wall color. She bought an a black iron-framed bed, and on both sides there were white side tables. On the other side of the room, there was a brand new dresser that matched the side tables of the bed. The large windows were covered with black  curtains. Hanna had chosen a simple white bed set for the room, with a few accent pillows to pull everything together. There was also a large mirror hung on the wall. The walls were pretty bare except for the few framed quotes she hung around. She was pleased with herself. 

"Don't be such a flirt," she giggled, turning around. "The rest of the house is clean enough, right?" 

"Yes," Emily smiled as they made their way downstairs. "Kelsey called and said they would be here any minute." 

"Are you nervous?" Hanna asked with a shaky voice. "I'm super nervous." 

"Why are you so nervous?" Emily asked as they stood in the living room, overlooking their street, awaiting the arrival of the social worker and their foster child. "It will be fine." 

"Jesus Christ..." Hanna said as the red SUV pulled into their driveway. "They're here." 


There was a few knocks at the door, and Hanna felt her chest drop as she went to open it. Emily was in the kitchen finishing the snacks she prepared for them all. Hanna left her hand on the doorknob for a few seconds, taking a deep breath while doing so before she opened the door, and smiled. "Hi, guys!" 

"Hi, Hanna," Kelsey smiled with her arm around the girl. "This is Presley," she then pointed to Hanna. "Presley, this is Hanna." 

"Nice to meet you, Presley," Hanna let them into her home, closing the door behind her. "My wife is currently in the kitchen but we could go sit in the living room and chat a bit." 

"Sounds great," Kelsey nodded as they followed Hanna into the living room. She took a seat on the couch, and Presley sat next to her. "So..." 

"So..." Hanna licked her lips as she sat on the other side of the sectional, resting her hands in her lap. "I'm Hanna," she said to the girl. "I'll be your foster mother." 

"I'm Presley." She mumbled. 

"Hello, Presley!" Emily smiled as she came into the room with a plate of cheese and crackers, and a bit of fruit, along with a few water bottles. She placed them on the coffee table before sitting next to her wife, and resting her hand on her lap. "I'm Emily." 

"You guys are gay?" The young girl asked. 

"Yes, we are," Hanna answered. "We've been married for a few years already."

"That's great," Presley responded. "I like your house." 

"Thank you, sweetie," Emily answered for the both of them. "Would you like an in depth house tour before we show you to your room?" 

"She'll love that." The social worker nodded. 


"And this..." Hanna lead the girl into the room she had spent her entire night, and morning preparing for her. The social worker and Emily followed behind them. "Is your room." 

The girl glanced around the room and simply shrugged. "It's nice," she then looked at Emily and Hanna. "You did all of this for me?" 

"Yes," Emily laughed as she wrapped her arm around Hanna. "My wife spent her night at IKEA and made us stay up late to put everything together. She was really excited for you," she then pointed at the TV on the bookshelf. "Also, we had our friend come over to hook that up for you. It's just a smart TV so you can watch the Youtube stuff that the kids are watching, and Netflix." 

Presley nodded and sat down on the bed, looking at her social worker. " this it?" 

"You can call me anytime, my dear," Kelsey smiled. "You have my cell, and so does your foster parents. They'll take real good care of you." 

"We will," Hanna smiled at Presley and looked at Kelsey. "I'll lead you out, I suppose, and then," she looked at Presley again. "You can help us prepare dinner and we can chat more." 


"Do you think she likes it here?" Hanna asked her wife quietly as she finished loading up the dishwasher. It was now after nine and Presley was in bed. The two of them decided to take her for a drive around the neighborhood after dinner, so they had to do the dishes a little later than usual. 

"Han, it's too soon to tell," Emily told her as she wiped down the marble counter tops. "I think she likes it, though." 

"I hope so," Hanna sighed as she closed the dishwasher and turned it on. "I really hope she does." 

Emily nodded as she unlocked her phone and leaned onto the counter top, scrolling down her Instagram page. Hanna finished tidying the kitchen as her wife scrolled Instagram. Emily felt two arms wrap around her waist. "Em, let's head to bed." 

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