part one

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"I'm not sure if I could do this anymore."

It seemed like yesterday that those words had come out of her ex-wife's mouth. It seemed like yesterday that she had packed her half of the closet and dresser into the luggage set they had used for their honeymoon. It seemed like yesterday that she had left her wedding ring sitting on their shared kitchen table, along with divorce papers.

But it wasn't yesterday.

It was nearly half a decade ago.

She had to accept it. And she did. It took a long time but she finally accepted that they weren't meant to have a happily ever after. They were meant to be each other's first loves. Nothing more. Nothing less. However, it still hurt to this day. It probably would always hurt. The love she felt for her ex-partner wasn't going anywhere. But she loved someone more.

She wasn't exactly sure when she realized that the blonde she now shared a home, and dog with, was actually her soul mate. It was bizarre at first. She had spent her high school years counselling her friend through her heterosexual relationship, and holding her when her ex-boyfriend had broken up with her. Now she was in a serious relationship with her, and approaching her second wedding anniversary with her.

Five years later, Emily Fields was in awe at how her life was. She was actually Mrs. Marin. It was absolutely bizarre. She got to wake up to the blonde's face every morning. She got to sit and have breakfast with her. She got to kiss her soft lips goodbye as they left their shared home in separate cars, ready to take on their days. She got to snuggle with Hanna after a long day of work. She got to walk through a grocery store with her arm around her, discussing their dinners for the week. Most importantly, she got to fall asleep with her arms around her. Every. Single. Night.


It was Tuesday morning when the conversation came up at their kitchen table. Emily was just finishing her usual morning meal, quinoa toast with avocado and egg whites, while Hanna filled her wife's coffee mug with the black liquid, before sitting down and sipping her own cup. "So... our spare room..." She started.

"What about it?" Emily asked. They had bought their home before they married. It had five bedrooms, which Hanna insisted on despite it being just the two of them and their dog. Emily knew Hanna wanted kids, as did she, but they never exactly agreed on when to start their family.

"I want to make it a baby's room." Hanna said with little emotion as she took her last bite of her oatmeal.

Emily looked up at her wife. "A baby's room?"

"Well, that is what I said, isn't it?" She looked back at Emily and smiled. "It's time."

"Oh my god!" Emily felt tears welling up in her eyes as she walked over to her wife, wrapping her arms around her. "It's time."

"It is, babe," Hanna kissed her wife on the cheek as she made her way over to the coffee maker. Emily followed behind with their dishes, quickly loading them into the dishwasher. "What time will you be home tonight?"

"Hmm," Emily mentally checked her schedule for the day as she filled her wife's travel mug with the black liquid. She owned her own gym, where she taught a ton of classes during the day. "I've got a prenatal yoga class at four thirty, so I should be home by six, depending on the traffic in midtown."

Hanna took the mug from her wife, softly kissing her lips. "I'll see you later, then," she looked at her watch. "Shit, I'm going to be late."

"Better get your cute butt out the door then," Emily playfully led Hanna to the door leading to their garage. "I love you."

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