part eight

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It was Monday morning.

The two women woke up as usual, wrapped in each other's arms without the help of an alarm clock. It was the absolute dream. Hanna had always made fun of people who had a bedtime, and didn't set twenty alarms for the morning. That was because she was up for the most of night, and needed the extra help waking up when she needed to.

That all changed once her and Emily moved away from their hometown, and into their new routine together. They would fall asleep before nine, which sounds lame, but they did. Every single night. With the exception of Tuesday, designated movie night, and Wednesday, wine and cheese night. And of course Friday, mandatory game night. The morning would come, and their bodies naturally arose around six. Emily tended to wake up a tad bit earlier than her wife, using that time to appreciate the beauty who drove her wild sometimes. Then, they would start their day.

It was like any other morning.

They shared a quick shower with no hanky-panky because Hanna insisted Emily didn't deserve any, due to forgetting to change the toilet paper roll once it was empty. Emily went to brew the coffee, and Hanna peeked her head into their foster daughter's bedroom to wake her up. Then the two did a bit of yoga, a morning ritual for them, while waiting for the oven to preheat so they could make quiches.

They were a pretty annoying couple to the people around them. It was surprising, considering how they were as teenagers. Married Hanna, and Emily, were all about health and wellness. Their fridge was full of fresh veggies. Smoothies were a daily thing. Egg yolks were forbidden, with the exception of Presley liking over easy eggs with yolk, but that was soon to be changed. They did yoga every single day, and ate mainly organic. There were hikes to be taken at least once every two weeks. It was annoying.

"I'm thinking, you, Presley, and I, Rocky Mountain Trail this evening," Emily suggested as she filled their two coffee mugs with the coffee. Hanna smiled in response. Her glasses were on and she was reviewing an email. She swore she would never do work during breakfast but she had a deadline, and their family movie night had gotten her behind. She later sat down at the breakfast table, taking a bite of the quiche before asking. "You ready for high school, Presley?" 

"Of course not," Presley laughed as she walked over to the pantry, tiptoeing for her medication. She took a few pills out of the three bottles, and brought them over to the table. She put them in her mouth, before swallowing them with a gulp of orange juice. "But I'm going." 

Hanna closed her computer, and rested her elbows on the counter. "Alright, would you like me to go to your first classes with you?" 

Presley let out a giggle, thinking she was joking. When Emily was smiling at her, and Hanna was silent, she realized they were not joking. She gulped. "What? You have work." 

"I know but it's really easy for me to take the day off if you need me. I'm willing to go to school with you if it helps, Presley," Hanna told her foster daughter. "Besides, I'm super cool and all your classmates will love me, and beg you to let them come visit." She winked. 

Emily looked between the two girls in front of her. Her foster daughter looked amazed at what she was just offered. Hanna was looking at her, awaiting a response. Emily couldn't help but admire her wife. She was super good at this whole mom thing. She made sure to spend extra time in the evening to talk to their foster daughter, she constantly tried to help in any way possible, including sitting through classes with her. She had this mom thing. It somewhat made Emily nervous, seeing as she wasn't as good at this mom thing as her wife was. 

"Are you for real?" Presley asked, finishing her bowl of strawberries. "Like, you'd actually sit through classes with me? I'd look like a loser." 

"Hey!" Hanna laughed, sipping her coffee. "I'm not too old. Watch it, my dear." 

"I'm kidding," Presley smiled at her foster mother. "Are you sure, though? I don't want to like, inconvenience you. I don't want to get in the way of work, or whatever. I mean, I can go alone, it's not a big deal-" 

"Honey," Hanna stopped her foster daughter, hand on hers, and gently held them. "It's no problem." 

"I guess it's settled," Emily finished off her coffee, and put her gym bag over her shoulder, grabbing her keys off of the kitchen island. She yawned as she looked at the clock, and quickly kissed her wife on the lips, and their foster daughter on the cheek. "Have a lovely day at school, you two." 

Westlake Regional Secondary School was a fairly large school. There were well over two thousand students, and the classes were spread around the campus, which consisted of three buildings. Hanna had wanted Presley to maybe start at an alternative school that was out of their district, but the young girl insisted on not going to alternative school, so here she was.
Her day was made up of five periods, and she filled up her timetable. 

They were now entering her first class which was World History, one of Hanna's favourite from high school. 

"Good morning, everyone," The teacher said to the class as she lead the blonde, and brunette to the front of her class. She signalled around. "This is our new student, Presley Warren and her mother, Hanna!" 

Presley opened her mouth to correct the teacher but Hanna wrapped her arm around her and smiled at the class in front of them. "You won't even notice I'm here." 

"Well Miss. Warren," The teacher patted Presley's arm. "There's empty seats all around. You and your mother can sit wherever." 

"See, that wasn't so bad," Hanna giggled as Presley buckled her seatbelt, pulling away from the large school. "Now, we deserve a treat, seeing as: no panic attacks, and I now understand trigonometry, after all these years." 

"Hmmm, what kind of treat?" Presley asked as she connected her phone and begun playing music. Hanna forbade fast food, especially McDonalds. So, the chicken nuggets the girl was thinking of was completely off the table. 

"We can get a new outfit, there's that...." Hanna  thought for a while. "That new coffee shop uptown sells donuts, we could go there. Or, we can somehow convince Em to postpone hiking for tomorrow and we can all go see a film," She yawned. "Today is a day to be celebrated, love." 

"Can we do a movie?" Presley asked. She had been sorta wanting to see this one new film that was released the week before, and hadn't thought to ask until now. 

"We just need to convince Emily," She turned the SUV into the direction of Emily's work. "I just need to adjust my bra and we can get away with anything!!!"

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