part two

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A week after they had decided to have a baby, they had already made a trip to the sperm bank. It took a few days of going through the book of donors, and a lot of wine, before they decided on who they wanted to fertilize Hanna's egg. They chose a man with darker features, similar to Emily's, because they wanted their baby to resemble the both of them. The man they chose was a college graduate, an absolute must, and he was extremely athletic, like Emily. They did it at home, since Hanna absolutely hated the idea of a long needle going into her. It was pretty simple, and quick. They did it in their bathroom.

Then they waited.

A month later, Hanna missed her usual period. She was never late so Emily suggested she take a pregnancy test. They weren't overly excited, knowing that it almost never works the first time. They weren't expecting it to work the first time.

"I don't think it worked..." Hanna said out loud as her and her wife sat on the floor of their bathroom with the little stick in front of them. "I read that it almost never works the first time."

"I guess we'll see," Emily grabbed her wife's hand and held it in her lap. "Even if it doesn't, we can always try again."

Hanna's timer went off, and within a blink, Hanna had the test in her hand. She gasped as she saw the result.


Emily immediately kissed Hanna multiple times all over her face with tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh my god!"

Hanna was also crying, her arms around her wife. "We're going to be mommies!"

They were going to be mommies.


"When should we tell people?" Hanna asked her wife softly as they drove away from the hospital. They had just finished their first appointment with the women's health specialist, and it was confirmed that Hanna was indeed pregnant.

"Whenever you'd like, honey," Emily responded, reaching over to hold her wife's hand. Hanna happily held Emily's hand. "Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?"

"I mean, I'm fine with either, but then again, being trans is a thing so we can't exactly guarantee anything. We could raise a girl, who is actually a boy. Or vice versa," Hanna told her. "Anyways, can we stop at IKEA before we go home?"

Emily felt herself sigh. Hanna in IKEA was awful. "What do we need in IKEA?" They would go in for a bookshelf, and leave with a new kitchen table and bed, without the bookshelf. It was honestly terrible.

"I want to get another bedside table for the guest bedroom. It looks too empty with just that dresser and one bedside table," Hanna replied, as Emily turned the vehicle around towards the local IKEA. "And also, a few new towels couldn't hurt."


Hanna was reaching the end of her first trimester when she finally told her mother. Ashley Marin flew in from Rosewood for her usual visit when her daughter casually referred to her as grandma.

"I think it's time you stopped dyeing your hair, Mom," Hanna told her mother as they roamed Bed Bath & Beyond. "I mean, I want my baby to have a grey-headed grandmother."

"Your baby?" Ashley Marin stopped and looked at her daughter. "What?"

Hanna signaled to her stomach. "Emily and I decided to wait until the end of the first trimester to tell everyone," At first Hanna thought her mother was pissed, and then she dropped the duvet cover she had picked for the guest room and wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Mom?"

"Oh, my god..." Ashley Marin was weeping by now. "Thank you so much, sweetie."

Hanna smiled at her mother. "You can thank me by paying for this duvet." She bent down and picked up the duvet cover they picked out.

"Anything for you, my dear."


Later that night, Hanna was sat in bed with her laptop, replying to emails, and reviewing a few things for her meeting in the morning. Emily was working late that night. Emily had recently renovated the storage floor above her gym to allow for another two studios for work out classes, and even a kitchen, with hopes of starting a healthy eating class as well. Emily was all about health and fitness.

She was about to shut the lights off when Emily entered the bedroom. "Sorry, I'm so late. I stopped at the grocery store for a few things."

"It's fine," Hanna smiled at her wife, who was still in her work clothes, all lululemon. She held her arms out. "Come here."

"Oh, babe, no," Emily laughed as she took her sweater off and tossed it in the laundry hamper. Doing the same with her shirt so she was just in a sports bra. "I need to shower. I smell awful. I was on the go all day."

"Can I join?" Hanna smirked at her wife, making her way over to her and wrapping her arms around her. "I'm great shower company."

"I want to be quick, though," Emily replied. Hanna let go of her and made her way to the bed, purposely letting her silk robe fall from her shoulders, leaving her in her small nightie. "Actually, please come."

"It'd be my pleasure." 

mrs. and mrs // hanna x emilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora