I Wish - One Shot for Amby12 -

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“When I see you with him, slow dancing, tearing me apart so you can’t see.  Whenever you kiss him, I’m breaking, oh how I wish that was me” I WISH by One Direction.


I saw her on the dance floor, her vibrant red hair bouncing on her shoulders.  Paige was so beautiful and elegant.  The guy who was with her was her boyfriend, but he was a jerk and a cheater.  I had always told her that she needed to break up with him and find someone who will take care of her, keep her safe and love her for who she is and not just some popular girl at our school. 

I am guessing you are confused with what I am talking about, so let me recap for you.  Paige is my best friend, she is popular at our school and I am popular as well, but we aren’t the mean, typical sort of popular, we are nice and smart and cool people.  People like us for the people we are, but we are also pretty people, the kind of perfect looking people. 

I guess I will never be with her, until I heard her scream…


I couldn’t believe he cheated on me, he said that it wasn’t a big deal, a big deal.  I mean, that is probably one of the lowest of lows.  He definitely will be sorry; I will make his life hell. I am not usually this horrible to people, but I had enough with jerks.  My good friend Niall said that I need someone who would take care of me, keep me safe and love me for me and not some popular girl.  I guess he is right, but I need to find this Mr. Right.

I ran out of the hall, crying because of what Adam had done to me.  I told him we were over and he just shrugged and moved on with the girl he actually wanted to be with, maybe just a good shag and he would move on, he legit has no heart whatsoever, but he can sure pretend.

I was outside of the hall, of course it was a fancy school dance and I had been torn.  It was unfair, it was a night to have fun and dance, but that was ruined.  I had been out for a while and I was getting cold, until I hear a voice behind me say,

“Hey Paige, are you cold?”

It was Niall, my best friend.  I had to admit he came at the right time, when I needed him the most, it was like a telepathic message or something.  I nodded my head and he draped his jacket over my shoulders, then he gave me a comforting hug.

“He was a jerk, I already told you that, but you didn’t listen” he said to me in his ‘I told you so voice’.

“Yes, now I know, thanks for telling me” I said.

“Well, you know what, there has been someone right in front of you this whole time who will be your perfect man and this man loves you, he will care for you, keep you safe and he loves you for you and not just some popular girl at our high school and now, he is telling you this, because he cares for you Paige” he said to me and I gasped.  He said he loved me.  My gosh, this is my chance to say I loved him too, because I really do, I have had a crush on him since I was thirteen, because well, he knew me inside out and he was perfect.

“I love you too Niall” I said and I looked at him, face to face.  He cupped my cold checks with his warm hands and kissed me delicately, it was perfect.

“Well, I guess I knew this man all along, because he was right in front of me” I said and we laughed and walked back inside the hall, hand in hand.

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