Sing Me A Love Song - One Shot for potterhead394 -

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I never knew I would fall in love with him, I just though it was a dream that would never come true.  But that day, for me was the best day of my life.  I would never consider that me at of all people, he would choose me. I have Dark, brown curly hair that falls to my shoulders, I have fair skin, a mole on my full, blood red lips, a curvy body and I'm 5'6.  I live in central London, but before that I lived in Wales.  I love to sing, dance and write songs. 

Well I haven't told you my name.  It's Anshika and I'm in love with Harry Styles.


"Anashika, you're up next" Says Jules.  He's the presenter for this singing compertition at Cardinal Place.

"Ok, thanks Jules" I said. I was really nervous. I was clutching my guitar, and praying that the judges liked my song.  Hary Styles was in the judging pannel, so I hope he likes me too.

I was going to sing torn, one of my favorites.

"Competitor 25, please come onto the stage" said judge number one.

I walk out, still nervous as hell.

"Hello love, what is your name and how old are you?" asks Harry.  He puts a checky grin on his face and my heart melts.

"My name is Anashika and I'm eighteen" I say. Luckily my voice doesn't sound all stuttery.

"Ok Anashika, what are you going to sing today for us?" says Judge number two.

"Torn" I say

"Ok, start when you are ready" says Judge number three.

I start to play the guitar and the sweet melody comes out, perfectly.

I thought, I saw a man brought to life

He was warm, he came around and he was dignified

He showed me what it was to cry

After I had finished signing, everyone was standing, clapping and cheering for me.  I was surprised.

"Wow, that was amazing.  You have real talent. It's a yes from me" Said Harry.  Wow, he thought I was good.

"Perfect, perfect, perfect. It's a yes from me" said judge one.

"Same here. Yes from me" said judge two.

"You girl have talent. It's a yes from me" said judge three.

"Thank-you so much" I said. My smile was too big for my face.

"Well, you're through Anashika.  That's all for today and I hope you all come here tomorrow for Teens got Talent" said Jules as I walked off stage.

I was back stage when someone touched my shoulder.  I turned around, it was Harry.

"Oh, hey Harry, wasn't expecting you here" I said, *Mental Face Palm* what were you thinking, He has to be here, He is one of the judges.

"Hey Anashika, yeah me either.  Your voice was amazing, you have pure talent" he said and I blushed like a tomato.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date sometime. I really want to get to know you better beautiful" he said.

"Oh, um yeah, that would be nice" I said

"Sorry if it sounds too soon" he said

"No, it's alright, I would like to get to know you better too" I said

"Good, well Give me your number and I will text you tonight, then you can have my number" he said

"Ok" I said, telling him my number.

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