One Month Later

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One Month Later

"Sandro, do not play with my sword! It is not a toy!"

"Abe, do not eat the grass!"

"Stella, do not climb up that tree! It is too high for you!"

Cosmo ran in all directions as she chased after the rambunctious children. She's traveled up mountains, fought monsters, and summoned spells that could kill you. Yet she can't catch the little devils! Children have boundless energy that even she couldn't muster anymore.

Unlike her usual trousers and tunic, Cosmo donned a long white dress that flew with the breeze. It gave her the image of a mother, to be honest. Even some of the kids have started calling for 'Big Sister' as a nickname.

Only one month has passed since Cosmo has been sent to the past. During her time there, she has been taking care of the five monster kids that ended up in her care as well as try to find a way home. Without any grimoires to guide her, Cosmo couldn't find the right ingredients or spells. This kind of magic is beyond anything she's ever done.

Cosmo chased after the group of kids that were running down the large hill. Stella and Abe, a septarian child, stumbled and ended up rolling down.

"Great! Now I'm gonna have to wash the grass stains off your clothes!" Cosmo yelled.

At the bottom of the hill, everyone stopped to take a breath. They all collapse onto their backs and laughed till they were breathless. Even Cosmo sat down and copied them. She lays down and stares up at the sky.

"So blue." she whispered fondly.

'This place is so peaceful. Without any responsibilities as a princess, I can relax.' she thought with a sigh. 'I love it here.' Closing her eyes, Cosmo is suddenly finding the image of Star behind her eyelids.

Sadness replaced how happy Cosmo was. Star had grown up with Cosmo ever since she was a baby. Leaving Star in the future while Cosmo is stuck in the past isn't something she could do. The woman was Star's guardian, she can't just leave Star alone.

'I have to find a way home.' Cosmo thought sadly.

"Cosmo, can we go for a swim?" Stella asked. The little monster leans over Cosmo, a big smile on the girl's face. After one week, the child has opened up to Cosmo and saw the older girl as her sister. With no other family, Stella saw Cosmo and the others as her new family.

"Change into your swimwear first. Your clothes will drag you down." Cosmo said. She noticed how everyone else got excited at the idea of swimming. "I will join you all later. First, I have some training to do." Cosmo said.

"Oh! Can I watch you train!?" Stella asked excitedly.

"Are you gonna train?" asked Abe.

"You're going to train?"

Abe, Stella, Sandro, Timothy, and Marla got all excited. They kept repeating the word 'train'. Cosmo laughed at their excitement. She didn't hide the fact that she knew how to fight. The woman would let them watch her if they wanted. Which was all the time.

"Fine. Fine. Just stay back and don't get in my way." Cosmo warned.

Hiking up the skirt of her dress, Cosmo grabs the hidden piece of weaponry that was strapped to her thigh. With a shake of her hand, the six inch long piece of metal extended into a staff. One of many weapons that she knew to use was the bō staff.

"Sit back and enjoy the show." Cosmo said before she got started.


The spy peered through the trees, watching them.

The Mewman moved with fluid ease as she practiced with the staff. Her hair, her dress, and her body moved along with the weapon as if they were all connected. It was truly a sight. More than the fact that she's with a bunch of monster children.

Using his invisibility, the spy crept closer. He moved out from the protection of the trees and across the field. The spy avoided any twigs or anything else that could give him away. The last thing he needed was to be discovered. (Some spy he would be.)

He walked a few paces forward until the group was about twenty feet away. Crouching low enough to be hidden by the tall grass, he continued watching.

'I wonder if I should tell the General about this. A Mewman taking care of monster children isn't normal.' thought the spy.

Seeing the awe on the children's faces as they watch the Mewman woman was fascinating. They weren't afraid like others were. He could clearly see that they trusted the Mewman.

Originally, the spy was sent to look for any survivors after word was sent that there has been another massacre. The General told him that any survivors could help the cause.

Sadly, there were none. Nothing but corpses and rubble.

He was going to move on when he caught the scent of fire burning. Only, it wasn't mixed with the smell of bodies. So he followed the smell and found a large house sitting in the middle of a large field. Five children were running around. They were laughing as if there was no war.

The spy was going to go talk to them until he saw the Mewman. She didn't treat them as if they were insects or a disease. The woman appeared to be taking care of them as if they were her own.

The Mewman tosses the staff in the air and does a few kicks and jabs before catching it again. She finishes off her training routine with a war cry and stabbing the ground with the staff. From where he crouched, the spy could see the look of a warrior on her face.

'The General must know of this.' he thought, deciding. Then he scurried off.

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