Chapter 19

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Hey, I actually managed to write a long chapter for once. Please be aware that there is a description of rape towards the end, so some of you might want to skip.

Thanks for all the continued support!

Soundwave's long digits flew over the keyboard, bringing up the news reports for the last few solar cycles. The Autobots were getting desperate. The streets were being searched, innocent mechs taken into custody for supposedly 'colluding' with the escaped decepticons, their images were practically plastered on every screen, broadcasted every day, urging everyone to contact the authorities if someone had glimpsed them. Lot of good it would do them. Venturing outside was too dangerous. Idly, he supposed that he he had to be grateful for Blurr's paranoia as the blue mech had kept a secret hideout ever since the start of the war right under the council's nasal ridges. While it was dangerous being so close to the enemy, it was the least expected location. The autobots expected them to try and make their way out of Iacon, off Cybertron even if it were possible. They didn't expect them to hide themselves in the very centre. Also, their position gave them easy access to reliable information. There was a reason Blurr was one of the best spies the enemy faction had to offer. Autobot movements, patrol rotations, which areas had the most Autobot activity and most important of all - the location of their fellow decepticons and their statuses. Helpless rage pooled in his tank as he read through the reports the blue racer had gathered, purple optics narrowing behind his visor.

It all made sense now. Why they were kept, why they weren't executed, why they were... violated. Warframes were more fertile, that was just a biological fact. Way back before the war, in the functionist times, they were in high demand. Their size, their durability, their strength - everything made them the perfect workers. Biology. Shockwave had expressed his distaste rather vocally when he'd read the same report the spy had. Who would've thought that the logic driven mech could have so much hate for something? Not that he didn't have a good reason to. But that was beside the point. When the war ended and Optimus retrieved the allspark, refugees began returning to their revived planet. Sparklings in particular were welcomed as they signaled a new beginning, highlighted the fact that the war was finally over.

But when the council decided to execute the remaining decepticons everything changed. They were given unfair trials, underwent torture at the hands of the particularly sadistic members of the Autobot faction and when the council was about to have them publicly executed.. the news reached them. More and more couples were visiting the medics, desperate for help, because they were having trouble conceiving. No more sparklings were being born. The population was beginning to panic. Rumors spread around, claiming there was a virus rendering cybertronians infertile. Except that when they were examined, there was nothing physically wrong with them. The execution was supposed to distract the frantic population. But then..

One of the decepticon drones in Iacon prison, regularly used as a plaything by the guards got sparked. The council knew that if the public got wind of it, there would be a massive uproar. No autobot mech could conceive and yet a decepticon did so easily. Scientists were called in, including Ratchet. None of them could explain the odd phenomenon. Was this Primus's punishment? But that didn't make any sense. Why would he punish the autobots? They were supposed to be the righteous ones! Was this the deity's attempt to unite them? The mere idea was disgusting. But if no more sparklings were born there would be revolt, the council would lose the control they had established. And so it was decided. If they could not be executed, the captive decepticons would be put to a better cause. After all, what better way was there to punish your greatest enemy than by making them into slaves?

Soundwave shook, servos grasping at the edges of the consol as he leaned heavily against it. He felt nauseous, his tanks roiled uncomfortably. They weren't intelligent, conscious beings to these mechs. Merely tools. Used for personal satisfaction, for breeding! He managed to take the visor off before hurling up whatever unprocessed energon there was left in his tanks. Nothing had ever managed to disgust him like this, leave him so shaken. Bumblebee was at his side instantly, helping him up even though the spy was fully capable of moving on his own. Soundwave just nodded his thanks, pulling away from the touch as soon as he was on his pedes. Guilt coursed through him as the yellow mech took a step back, blue optics flashing in hurt, but could not bring himself to apologize. He didn't want to be touched right now. This wasn't peace. This was beyond disgusting.

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