Chapter 15

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He was lying on something firm, uncomfortable against his backstrut and causing a dull ache in his already stiff joints. Ratchet groaned as he slowly came to, fidgeting ever so slightly to relieve the feeling, flexing his digits. His vision was blurry at first, but slowly things became more focused as he became more aware and once they did, he immediately recognized where he was. The barren white metal walls,almost impossibly smooth and pristine, the single berth and an energon IV only left one choice. The Iacon Central Clinic. Well, there went the hope of waking up in some little hospital he could easily leave without suspicion. Here he would no doubt be closely monitored. Frag.

Grunting, he tried to heaving himself into a vertical position, movements slow and clumsy due to the drugs still coursing through his system. Only to realize that he couldn't. Optic ridges furrowing in confusion, he tried again only to be met with the same result. Shaking his helm to eliminate some of the drug induced haze, his optics landed on the slim armband latched around his servo, securing it to the berthrame. Vents stuttering, he glanced at his other arm, finding a similar ring of metal attached firmly to his appendage. He tried moving his legs, but they were tied as well. The medic was effectively restrained, only able to shift uncomfortably. Teal optics widened. Frag, frag, frag! This wasn't supposed to happen!

"Oh, I see you're finally awake."

Chest plate heaving in an effort to keep himself relatively calm, Ratchet turned his helm in the speaker's direction. If he was feeling fear before, now he felt absolute horror as he recognized the unfortunately very familiar white and blue frame standing at the doorway. Pharma. "You.."

"Me," the mech practically purred as he strutted into the room, watching the bound form with undisguised delight. The medic felt his plate crawl at the sight of the sadistic glee in Pharma's blue optics.

Taking a deep vent, Ratchet spoke up again, somehow managing to keep his voice steady despite the terror coursing through him. "Why am I tied up?" Pharma's plating twitched at that, optics narrowing a fraction.

"So, you're really going to play that game, huh? How dissapointing.." The mech feigned a bored sigh, leaning against the wall almost lazily. Ratchet wasn't fooled by that in the least. Right now, Pharma was a predator and he was the prey. He would have to choose his words carefully.

Feigning a perplexed look, the medic questioned. "Game? I wouldn't call being attacked by 'Cons and then waking up tied up by my own faction a game." He pulled at the restraints despite already knowing that they wouldn't budge. His digits flexed as he tried to analyze his surroundings as discreetly as possible. This was bad, he doubted that he could convince Pharma that he was not a traitor. They hated each other as it were which was probably why the mech was assigned to him. Slag. He shouldn't have acted so openly about his dislike for the Decepticons's situation.

"That's of course only if you were attacked." Pharma's smirk seemed to only grow as he said this. Pushing off the wall, the white mech approached the bound form, relishing the flinch his close proximity caused. "They found the guard dead by the door, most likely a victim of a surprise attack from your slave. I must say, it got lucky. If it were just a fraction slower, it would've failed in its attempt. You were found unconscious and bleeding out by the Communications station. Apparently you immediately contacted the authorities before facing the slaves yourself, except you weren't successful. In their haste to get out, they missed their shot and you managed to survive long enough to be found."

Ratchet frowned, becoming increasingly suspicious as he watched the white frame of his interrogator. "Why are you telling me things that I already know?" He couldn't suppress the disgusted shiver that went through his body as Pharma leaned in, invading his personal space. The E.M field brushing against his was practically buzzing with malice and sadistic joy. He pulled his own as far away from the unpleasant sensation as possible.

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