Chapter 2

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Ratchet could only watch as the two bondmates were torn apart, Knock Out struggling desperately against Smokescreen's pull and Breakdown writhing in Bukhead's grasp. But both were too weak and undernourished for their struggles to do much good.

His spark broke at the look of pain, terror and utter helplessness in Knock Out's eyes as Smokescreen pulled him away, sharp digits clawing at the chain and his helm turned in the direction of the stage where his mate was.

Ratchet hadn't even known up until recently that the two cons were bonded, none of them had. They only found out when he had performed a medical examination on each decepticon before allowing them to be claimed. He was the one to block it off and he regretted it ever since.

A block was usually used when both parties wanted to go their separate ways. It prevented the excruciatingly painful and, in most cases, fatal outcome. But this time he was using it for the wrong reason. Knock Out and Breakdown's bond was a problem for both Smokescreen and Bulkhead. Neither of them wanted to risk their pet's death when they broke it, although something told the medic that if not for the possibility of death they would've enjoyed watching the slaves writhe in agony.

He turned away from the scene in disgust. Ratchet very well knew what Smokescreen would do the minute he got to his suite and he couldn't bear thinking about it. The sight of the two 'cons writhing in a desperate bid to get to each other brought the unwanted feelings of pity and remorse forth and he didn't want to dwell on them. He knew that this was wrong, that this went against his every principal, against everything he fought for, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything about it. Not at that moment.

What he could do, was help the deception he had been forced to choose. He didn't want to do anything with Shockwave, nobody did and for that reason the council had wanted to lobotomize the scientist. It took everything for Ratchet to convince them not to, that he could deal with him.

He may despise Shockwave, but at the same time he could not watch such a great mind be destroyed. So, he stepped in, which now found him leading the unusually complacent 'con through the dense crowd.

He ignored the looks of jealousy towards him, or the looks of hatred, anger and glee towards the larger cybertronian trailing behind him. When Shockwave stumbled, he helped him, ignoring the laughter or the disgust and pity welling up in his chest. Disgust towards the council and pity towards the purple 'con. Shockwave did not stumble.

Ratchet did not lead him to his suite, something told him that that was the last thing he should do, instead he veered to the right, taking the road that would lead him to his clinic.

After the war had ended, Ratchet set up a small clinic of his own in a relatively nice and quiet place on the edges of rebuilt Iacon where he could work in peace. He had no desire to take part in the political corruption like the rest of Team Prime did.

His comrades had found it odd at first, questioned him about it, but eventually left him alone. They had always known the old medic loved the quiet more than anything and now that he finally had the chance it was obvious that he would take it.

Shockwave seemed to get more and more confused, judging by his glances towards the buildings that got smaller and poorer as they walked. It was obvious that he had expected the medic to take him to his fancy suite in the center of the city.

It didn't take much longer for them to reach the small clinic. As Ratchet went to unlock the door he felt the chain grow taut and looked back to see Shockwave standing motionless and still refusing to approach.

"Why have you brought me here?" He asked and Ratchet internally winced at the cracking static filled sound. First thing he was going to check was the 'con's voicalizer.

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