IvebeenreadingalotofIrondad/Spidersonandiwannawriteone- Part.1

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It's a cliche but an amazing one that has a billion possibilities so here is a field trip Irondad one shot (told in Peter's perspective of course)

Mr Harrington walked into the chaotic room and, after getting silence, he announced we'd be having a field trip. Now I was getting excited! I wondered where we were going but then my excitement turned to surprise mixed with the lust for death as he said the trip was to none other than Stark industries.

Now if I didn't know the Avengers or work at Stark Industries, I would be so excited to go there but since I know it will be everyone's mission to embarrass me, especially da- I mean Mr. Stark.

Ned gasped. "We're finally seeing where you work it's gonna be great and amazing and-!"

"I can't believe you still believe that he's actually got an internship there!" Flash butt in. "It's obviously a lie. They only accept the best of the best aka me"

'Then why haven't you gotten a place!' I said... Well that's what I wanted to say but I couldn't make the words come out so it sounded more like

"Y-yeah! Well w-why haven't y-you gotten a p-place like there then huh?!"

God that was horrible what even was that? I thought, cringing at myself.

"Just stop you two and take your permission slips and return them within two days" Mr Harrington said, sounding fed up with us two.

"Okay" we both said.


"I don't wanna come to the field trip!" I moaned (a/n that word prediction thing thought I would write softly after moaned and idk why but I took it sexually what have you done to me Wattpad???) while walking with Ned and MJ.

"Why not! It's gonna be great!" Ned exclaimed

If only you knew how embarrassing they will be. I thought

"If you don't tell your Auntie then I will tell her myself" MJ threatened

"Okay fine. I'll see if she agrees"


Unfortunately, she did agree... Pretty reluctantly but still-

~Fancy time skip thing~

"Peter! Wake up!" Auntie May whisper yelled "You're going to be late!"

"5 more hours please it feels like I've only been asleep for 5 minutes~" I said drowsily

"No you're going to be late!"

"Fine" I said slowly sitting up.

I looked at the date at I suddenly felt dread or panic or maybe both? I don't know but it wasn't a positive emotion. I literally jumped out of my bed and quickly got changed. Then, when I reached the kitchen, I reached for an apple and sprinted out yelling goodbye to Auntie May.


When I reached my class, I saw that it was almost the end of registration and that Ned was gesturing for me to come over.

"Ah. Peter. Nice to see you've joined us today" Mr. Harrington said, ticking my name off

"You were almost late we could've gone without you!" Ned whispered to me

"Yeah. Sorry about that" I said with a laugh.

"Well now we get to go to Stark industries! Do you think we're gonna meet the members of the Avengers! God this is so cool!" Ned almost yelled

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