•thirty four•

Start from the beginning

"Oh." You laugh it off nervously, few dancers in the small sided crowds laughing gently with you. With their warming kindness, you easily shrug it off and crouch down as three more dancers replace the ones you just filmed.

"Uh, Jiyeon shift to the middle, please." You announce bluntly. The girl in the middle gives a disappointed eye roll before letting someone else takes her place. You simply ignore her rude behaviour, unaffected and used to attitudes like this.

But hey, they wanted a good video, you had to shine the spotlight on the best of the best. Being 3 years in the filming industry now, it became an obvious rule.

Checking the lens one more time, you shoot a thumbs up to signal you're ready. The music starts and the small crowd of dancers on each side start cheering as the dance proceeds. A smile seeds into your lips as you watch them, adoring their perfected moves that almost makes you want to dance yourself. Almost.

You move along with the camera, drawing in close and drawing back, making sure you can get all the angles that emphasize their talents. The choreographed piece ends, and the three dancers break into freestyle, flawlessly showing off their skills.

This was always the part where people cheered the most. Where dancers would demonstrate their crazy passion for dancing where even when there was no proper choreography, their body could still move to the music by itself.

And of course, Jiyeon stays there for the longest. Flaunting her goddess like moves. She ends her freestyle in a flip, sticking a flawless landing before she breaks a wide toothy grin, enjoying all the praises and shouts her fellow dancers give.

Stopping the recording, you stand up again. The crowd splatters, friends drawing to each other for conversation as the dance class has ended.

You make your way over to one of the young dancers, sliding the lens cover over your camera as you do. Catching her while she's drinking water, you politely ask. "Hey, could I just give you a small tip on your dance today?"

She looks more than willing to accept your offer. Nodding as she swallows her water with eager eyes. "Hm-hm."

You flash another smile. "Great, well I've noticed you always do this thing with your legs where you don't move your hips enough to widen them more which can restrict the power you put into them."

The look on her face demonstrates huge confusion, a tough cross in her brows as she fails to understand. "Uh...what do you mean?"

"Like-" You stop, sighing. This always seemed to be the case every time you tried to teach people.

Let's get things straight. You're not a dance teacher or a choreographer. You only ever show up, film the choreographies and then leave. But at times, you can't help but enjoy it more than you're supposed to. That feeling of wanting to teach them yourselves, dance with them, shine with them.

As much as that feeling was far buried in your chest, it's still there. Especially whenever the music comes on. It always leaves you wondering why you chose such an agonizing job in the first place.

Looking around, you find a place to set your camera down, gently placing the expensive equipment onto a near table. The girl watches you patiently as you prepare yourself. "So, if you twist your hip like this-" you tell her as you move your body, "-then that allows you to bring more movements from your thighs and down to your bottom leg."

As you finish the full move, the girl appears to be amused by your sudden show in talent. She claps in excitement "Whoa, unnie! I didn't know you could dance."

Her loud applause drags the attention of other people nearby. They look towards you, overhearing her words. "Oooh. Ms. Y/N, show us some moves." one of the guys say, walking over with a few of his friends.

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