The White Wolf

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He had suffered enough, if Connal wouldn't be with Maeve at Doranelle, Fenrys would keep running until he would reach a place where no one would ever find
him. But it was hopeless to think of something like that when the Dark Queen of Doranelle was eternal.

Fenrys fixed his gaze to stare at the young assassin in the roofs of Rifthold. She was fun to watch even when he knew he was doing this for Maeve.

Fenrys had to admit the Heir of Terrasen was brilliant, she was so young and still she was so wise, beautiful, talented and a manipulator. All those features were so alike to Maeve if you didn't caunt the young, but still even when Fenrys didn't know her he knew that the girl was nothing like the queen of darkness.

The sun had settled to the horizon. Now it was only a little red light glowing not so far from here. Fenrys hided himself behind the trees so that he could watch the heir without gathering attention to himself. It wasn't usual that a wolf was in the city, but what else could he do when he was stuck in his wolf form.

The girl looked behind her as if to make sure she was completly alone, then she started to sing. She sang so quoetly that without predators sences he wouldn't hear.

She sang for everything broken in her life, the lyrics were heartbreaking. They were about a girl who drowned to a frozen river, vecause the wrong people suffered. Fenrys felt every word, the song was his with little diffrent words. But the words behind the words that were said were the same, every one suffered because of the one who survived. Connal was bounded to Maeve because he had kept his pride when Maeve had offered him the bloodoath at the first place.

When the girl was done singing she started to scann what was around her, not long lasted when her eyes fixed to him. The girl grinned, the grin was wicked, even —he the actual wolf— couldn't do that kind of wolf's grin.

But Fenrys couldn't stay in her memory, he had to be unregonized when they would meet again. So Fenrys dissapeared to the dark woods, and left the golden heir vehind him.

Years later:
The news had come couple years ago that the girl Fenrys had followed at Adarlan had got caught and that she was at a slavecamp. Now she was coming here, the moment Fenrys had heard that he had offered to train her, but Maeve had given the mission to that bastard of a Whitethorn, who didn't even want the mission.

And now that bitch of a queen was forcing him to step back and no matter what, even when he would see her again he would not tell her how he had soent years spying her. He would bot ve able to show any kind of kindness to her when she was at Wendlyn.

But Fenrys knew that would hurt line hell, he had senced Rowan on the girl when he had spyed on her. The girl was Whitethorn's mate there was no mistaking it, but Fenrys didn't know how that was possible. And he wouldn't ever tell the male, no, he was too broken after Lyria. But still Fenrys saw himself on the female. He promised himself that even with the bloodoath he would do everything he could to protect the heir to the broken throne. And maybe she would free him from the bloodoath by killing the Dark Queen off.

But in that moment all Fenrys did was grief for everything broken in his life, he even sang the song the heir had song in one of those dark nights. The words were about wolf, queen and darkness all around them.

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