They were both younger

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Rowan had just accomplished mission alone. It hadn't been hard to track the fae and give him a merciful ending. A ending he didn't deserve, keeping your carranam as your slave was forbidden and a hard punish would come to those who act on it.
The sun was setting, so he transformed himself to his fae form and sat on the rock. Tomorrow he would be at Doranelle.
Suddenly he detected horses couple miles from here. A carriage. He transformed himself and sat himself to the old oak tree so he would get a better view.
The carriage pulled over. A woman got out her golden hair glowing in the little sublight that was left. A small girl was holding her hand. The girl was a smaller reflection of her mother from toe to those identical turqoise gold eyes. Rowan sent his wind to tell it's secrets to him, it would give him the information of that pair.
A small wind swept past the girl, her hair flowing behind him when she ran to the rock he had sat just couple minutes ago.
The girl faced him her eyes glowing with curiosity, "How do I know are the animals faes or just animals?" she asked reaching a hand toward him. Her mother's eyes were filled with sadness. "You can smell it with your fae insticst." She said giving him a knowing grin. The little girl noticed the gesture. Then she smiled warmly to him, "Come come birdie. I won't hurt you. I'll give you seeds and perhaps if you're a good birdie you get to come with me to meet auntie Maeve." She said grin way too wicked for an eight year old. Her mother gave her a dissaproving glanze, "Don't use your sarcasm Aelin, the hawk may not be so friendly as the faes on our realm." she said her eyes detecting him.
He flew away from the tree and landed swiftly to the ground in his fae form.
Most of little ones were running when they faced Rowan's face covered in his shameful story.
The girl's mother extended her arm to point his face other arm protecting the girl who didn't seem to be afraid. "I have magic power so back away or I'll drown you." The woman said voice clear. He had to say that the woman seemed to be brave even though he could smell the fear. He scented nothing sort of fear from the girl—Aelin—though.
"Don't worry mom, he won't hurt us. The wind is gentle with me like it's saying that we can trust him." Aelin said smiling at him. She extended her own arm and fire flickered on her fingertips. "Do you feel it to." she asked bringing the fire to his hand, he would have stopped her if he wouldn't sonehow know that the girl's magic wouldn't burn him.
Rowan scented her, she smelled like embers and something sweet he couldn't place. And pine and snow. She smelled partly him. She was his mate, but how could that be Lyria had been his mate.
The girl only smiled wicked grin of hers
Years later:
Rowan stared at the girl who lay on the rooftop of Varese. She was drunk and carnky. She had grown so much since Rowan had last seen her.
It all spinned in his head, how Maeve had told him what she'd done to Lyria—to him—and how she'd erased the memories of the visit from Aelin's and her mother's mind's.
And now she was here, she didn't remember him and Rowan could not tell her. Nor could he be kind to her, he had to act like Maeve wanted. He had to be distant and cold and how he had to beat her up for being a perfect reflection of him. This was a perfect puniah for him for rebelling. He now had to hurt his mate hurting himself in the process.
Oh, there was so much he wanted to know about her. Like why she was here, and why was she in a dark place. And most importantly who had made those scars to her.
The girl climed to the street. This was his change.
She started purring to him. Oh, if he could do what he wanted he would purr back. When the young princess turned away from him, he glanced at her eyes full of longing. But the princess would never get to know that

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