"I was wondering if Draco was home. I wanted to check up on him even though he and I didn't necessarily get along." Natasha told him Lucius was in shock by this and spoke to her.

"Well come in young lady. Draco's upstairs in his room. I'll take you there. How's Severus?" Lucius asked her Natasha answered him.

"He's in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfry. He got cut by Voldemort and had Nagnini bite him. I gave him some pheonix tears that Fawkes gave me for healing cause they had healing powers. Poppy is using healing charms and giving him a blood replenishing potion. He'll be knocked out for a while and I'm hoping he comes back to me cause I don't know what I'd do without him. He's all the family I have left." Natasha told him Lucius was shocked by this news he spoke to her.

"My dear girl I'm so sorry about that. Severus was my long time friend. I do hope he bounces back and comes back to you cause of how much you mean to him." Lucius told her Natasha smiled and spoke to him.

"Thank you sir. That's very kind of you to say." Natasha told him she came inside the manor and Lucius closed the door behind her. They headed upstairs to Draco's room. Natasha heard voices one being Draco's.

"Mother I seriously doubt anyone is gonna ask about my welfare. I betrayed everyone by coming to the other side. Nobody's ever gonna forgive me cause they don't know what all I've went through." Natasha heard Draco say to his mother. Natasha and Lucius nodded and Lucius walked in Draco's room and spoke to him.

"Son I think you overestimate people. There's actually a young lady here who wants to see you and make sure you are alright. She came all the way here from the school just to see you. Try to be nice to the dear girl." Lucius told him Draco was actually stunned and spoke to his father.

"Father who in there right mind would want to see me? After everything I've done?" Draco asked him Lucius stuck his hand out the door and made a motion for the girl to come inside. Draco saw her. A woman that's he's loved with his icy heart for so long. A woman who every time he heard her laugh or saw her smile made him secretly change his heart. Her kindhearted spirit changed him and made him see the error of his ways. Every time he grabbed her arm so he could get her attention he felt the sparks electrify all throughout his body charging his heart.

He saw her beauty. Even though she had cuts and scraps and scars from the war from the day before she still looked beautiful to him. Draco couldn't believe she was with him in his room with his parents. Natasha caught sight of Draco's appearance. His hair was a mess like it was the day before. He was still in his same dark suit. Obviously he never bothered to change out of his suit. Nor to take a bath for that matter cause the war phased him and put him in a daze. Natasha saw his eyes she saw there was something different about them. She knew they were cold and hateful like they usually were. She saw something in his eyes that she never thought she would ever see. She saw relief. Meaning he knew he was gonna have to try hard to change.

She walked over to him. She saw his face showed sadness her hand reached up and touched his face and caress his cheek softly and gently. Draco shuddered at her touch. He always imagined her touching him imagined her warm welcoming embrace. He also imagined her showering him with her kisses all over his body and teaching him how to love. She wrapped her arms around him hugging him in a warm and welcoming embrace. She was grateful he was alright. He was stunned she actually hugged him. To his surprise he hugged her back. Lucius cleared his throat to break the silence barrier and spoke to her.

"Young lady does professor McGonagall know you are here?" Lucius asked her startling her Natasha stopped hugging Draco turned around and answered him.

"Yes she does Mr.Malfoy. She told me if I was gonna be late coming back to the school I should owl her and let her know I'm arriving the next morning." Natasha told him Lucius nodded Narcissa stood by her husband Lucius spoke to her.

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