If Loki was just here on Earth to look for something, or someone then we'd need Thor back soon to figure that out, since he's been gone for a long time he probably figured out what already, but the fact he's been gone a while seems strange. Shaking my head I turn to face Steve.

"Well. As much as I want to continue this meeting me, & Steve have somewhere to be..Or have you forgotten?" I ask smirking under my hand. 

Steve smiles, but rolls his eyes." No Tony. I haven't forgotten this time. How about we both get ready, & then we can leave later? We're not going to be staying very long anyway." He claims confusing everyone else in the room.

"Good, because I swear. If you fall asleep again when we were supposed to leave I'm going to destroy your entire room, & ruin your clothes. Don't fail me again Rogers." I say standing up, moving towards the door. I could hear him laugh."Look I'm sorry ok! It's not my fault I got bored reading that book you got me!" He yells. Turning around I gasp at his direction.

"How dare you call the book of Worlds Colliding Making Possible Parallel Universes boring! I thought you said you were interested!" I could feel a laugh forcing it's way up. Steve rolls his eyes again still smiling.

"Okay first of all. I said I was interested in watching the movie called Worlds Collide. Not reading an entire book on it." He states crossing his arms. I stare him down playfully."How many chapters did you even read before going to sleep?" I question also crossing my arms. He shrugs in playful shame."Um..uh...like five chapters? I was on the part where they started connecting why the world were colliding, & why they saw the opposite genders of their selves." Steve answers. I rub my face.

"You  better not be late later Rogers. You owe me  a lot. " I declare walking out of the meeting room. "I won't! Promise!" He yells back as he closes the door.


Smiling I go to stand only to have my hand grabbed.

"Don't do anything rash Steve. I wouldn't if I was you." Bruce says letting go of my sleeve to stand up, & leave. Confused I go to ask the others, but..

"Hey Steve! Buddy! I'd listen to Bruce if I was you. Me, & Stark are now buddies, because you idiots named us short Squad. Do anything, & you'll regret it later." Clint says now leaving the room as well with Natasha following behind him. She turns to give me a small glare.

"I'm watching you captain." She mouths before being pulled away by Clint.

Looking towards the director for some answers I notice him shaking his head..I think hiding a disappointed smile?

"Remember Rogers. Try not to break his heart. He's smart you know, & I don't want you to be the reason why he quits being on the team, & goes back to being the boss of Stark Industries." Director Fury states before standing up, & leaving the room. 

Standing there in silence I rub my head confused before looking towards the ceiling." JARVIS? Are you there right now? I'm really confused right now. Do you know why my team, & the Director of SHIELD are threatening me? I don't think forgetting about taking a trip to the museum should be a one way trip to death." I say now crossing my arms. 

I could hear the AI sigh almost as he begins to explain.

"Nothing to fear captain. The team is just assuming things, having not gotten a real explanation to what you, & Master Tony are planning later tonight. If it helps I'd say to play along, for Master would find this amusing himself once he found out what the team was thinking." JARVIS says. I nod still confused, but know better to question further.

"Speaking of trip. Captain you might be late if you don't get ready in five minutes. Master Tony has already gotten ready, which means you should be soon after. Hurry along now for I'm afraid Master Tony doesn't take waiting as a hobby." JARVIS includes as I begin rushing out the meeting room.

"Oh right! I almost forgot again! Thanks JARVIS! Your a life saver!" I yell running towards the elevator to ride up to my room.


The morning sun forces it's way through the eyes of a mad man waking him up to a hot day.


My god it's hot in here, or is it just me?

Sitting up I turn to my dresser to turn my phone on. Seeing what time it was, & the day I quickly make my way out of bed, & to the bathroom.

"I can't believe it!" I yell to myself turning on the shower, & practically ripping my clothes off before jumping in.

{Yea me neither. You almost forgot the soap you idiot!}

(Shut up Yellow. I'm sure that's not why he's panicking.)

Yea..no I'm not panicking over soap Yell..I'm panicking, because I have somewhere to be today!

(Yell? That's a new one. I'm marking that down. Anyway, what are we doing again?)

{I think we have another mission? Man I just remembered how long it's been since we've been on a solo mission! It would be great if that's what I was remembering!}

Stop trying. Well. I'm actually supposed to meet up with a old friend of mine! I haven't talked to him in god knows how long! Let's just hope things don't end up like last time. As much as I like surprises, being teleported to another dimension where I was married to the Hulk wasn't a great one. Like, I didn't know the Hulk was gay man! Or was it just that dimension alone?

(Oh yes...That was quite a weird adventure wasn't it? Let's hope this really doesn't turn out like that. I swear if we have to go through another death crushing hug I will rip my own brain out just to die in his arm.)

{White. As much as I like you being like this man..No. Just no. The poor guy looked like he hadn't seen his husband in a like what? Century! Image being alone that long!}

Well I have been alone technically. Like for 4 decades.

(Oh haha breaking the forth wall is not fixing things here.)

{Oh yes it does. Do you realize how long it's been since we've broke the forth wall?}


{Well then we should go now. If you stand under this hot water any longer your gonna look like a raisen.}

& just like that I step out of the shower, & get dressed.

You aren't wrong though. I haven't broken the forth wall in a long time. I should do it more often...I just wonder if it works, or not...

{You can start with having them ask questions.}

No. If I did that I'd be here forever.

{Isn't that the point?}

(God. Stop being dumb for once in our lives! Just let the people ask! If you can't hear them then it doesn't work anymore! Or at least for a while! Jeez...)

{I've never thought you out of all people..voices would call me dumb. Rude.}

(Are. Are you serious right now? I called you an idiot like a couple chapters a-now you've got me doing it.)

{Welcome to the party!}
Welcome to the party!

(Oh god...)

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