-Chapter Ten-

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Today is finally the day I've been dreaming of since my first shift years ago, and I feel like I'm about to burst with excitement.

Tonight, in less than thirty minutes, I will officially get to present Viola to pack and name her my Beta Female. Making her my equal, and giving her a permanent place in my world.

I don't think I have ever been happier.

The ceremony is a large event, with almost everyone in the pack there to watch, and also high ranking members from our ally packs. I also invited Viola's family to the event, after we had a few deep discussions of course...Vi fully explained to them why she left Paris, and after she finally managed to get her mother off of the war path, she told her about me...and it was like a complete 180. Her mother was ecstatic, and after asking me what seemed like five hundred questions she happily accepted the invitation to the ceremony, which made my mate very happy.

In speaking of my lovely mate, she's getting ready in our bathroom as I wait patiently, despite my desire to see her all dressed up. I know how much effort she puts into looking her best, even though as far as I'm concerned she looks stunning in my t-shirt with wild bed head. But, this is important to her...so I've got no problem with waiting.

"I'm almost done Mon Chou!" She calls out from the bathroom, and I chuckle as I adjust the sleeves of my dark blue dress shirt, rolling them up to my elbows.

"No need to rush Darlin', we've got plenty of time." I reply, adjusting the Beta pendant on my neck. I look forward to placing a matching one on Viola tonight.

"I know, but I refuse to be late for my own celebration. Besides, I really am almost done." She answers, and as I smooth my hair back once more I hear the sound of her heels tapping against the floor.

"Well, what do you think?" She asks as she stops behind me, and as I turn around I temporarily forget how to speak.

Her beautiful hair is done into elegant curls, the bangs pinned back to reveal her face. A silvery smokey eye complements her gorgeous eyes framed by thick lashes, her full lips painted with a berry pink matte lipstick that makes me want to kiss them even more than I already do...but the most distracting thing of all is the dress she's wearing. A stunning sleeveless, high neck halter top dress that hugs her body in a way that shows off all of her curves before ending at a ruffled hem at her knees. The color matches perfectly with my shirt, the dark blue beautiful against her skin...

Dear Goddess she's perfect...

"Earth to Tyron? Did you hear me love?" She says with amusement, and I shake myself back into focus.

"You-you look absolutely breathtaking..." I answer at last, and I'm rewarded by a blush painting her cheeks, making me and my wolf purr in satisfaction.

"It's not too much is it? I can always change-" She asks, but I interrupt her worry by going to her and pressing a finger against her lips.

"Don't you dare, you look absolutely flawless." I murmur, moving my finger to press my lips against hers softly. I hesitate before going for a second though, not sure if I should.

"What's with the hesitation Mon Chou?" She whispers, and I clear my throat.

"I don't want to ruin your hard work darlin." I answer, and she chuckles.

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