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Above is what Iris looks like as a toddler. 😍


(Four years later)

Tyron and I have really built our family, with Iris at four years old now, she's now the big sister of three younger siblings. She's a daddy's girl through and through, anywhere he goes, she wants to follow, and with her feisty and confident personality, I can tell she's going to be an amazing Beta when she's older. Her dark brown curls are starting to lighten a little bit, but she starting to develop her dad's beautiful amber colored eyes.

Our second child, Gabriel, is an absolute sweetheart...when he isn't being a little troublemaker. At just three years old he's already quite the prankster, and I have a feeling that isn't going to change for him anytime soon. He seems to favor me with his blue green eyes, and like his older sister he has a mess of wild curls on his head.

Our youngest pups are the twins, Harmony and Sonata. The little girls aren't quite one year old, but they have already stolen their grandparents hearts, no doubt they will be the most spoiled little princesses, but I can't really convince the doting grandparents to stop...or my beloved.

Sighing, I look out to the living room to see my pups all content for the moment...as well as the Alpha children. I'm watching them for Seth and Katrina while they get a much needed date night, and their oldest, Avery, is being a great assistant since Tyron is out on patrol. She's helping keep an eye on them so I can make snacks for everyone.

With the alpha children added to the mix, I currently have ten children in the house.

The twins Ace and Leo are five years old now, and they are already very intuitive and curious for their age. They spend a lot of time with my little Gabriel, and I think they might be influencing each other...but I won't swear to it yet. For now, they are sitting in front of a large pile of legos, building something.

Avery and Iris are working on a puzzle, with the older girl showing the other how to fit the pieces together. Both have a look of deep concentration on their face, which is quite adorable.

Then there's Austin and Raven, the 3 1/2 year old fraternal twins. With her black hair and blue eyes, Raven favors her dad, though you can see Katrina in her faces, and complexion. Austin on the other hand has his moms curly brown locks, and his dad's blue eyes.

My twins are sharing a large playpen with the youngest of the alpha children, Artemis. At six months old she's almost the spitting image of her mother, with the exact same hair and the gray eyes that are starting to turn purple. She's definitely the baby of the family, and I've heard Katrina tell Seth that Artemis is it, six is her limit.

And I can understand, I've personally talked with Tyron about stopping at four, at least for biological children. If we want more we could always adopt later on, after the ones we've got are a little older. He agreed, though it seems the Goddess has other plans...considering I'm pregnant again.

Tyron is thrilled about it, though he does feel a bit guilty.

"Auntie Vi?"

I snap out of my thoughts to see Ace and Leo standing beside me, both of the boys looking up at me curiously...which is not unusual. Those two are always curious about something, it's what typically gets them in a little trouble.

"What do you need little ones?" I reply, crouching down to their height, and I catch Leo giving Ace a nervous look as he plays with his fingers. These two little boys may be identical twins, but they both definitely have different personalities. While Ace is more extroverted and energetic, Leo is quiet and bashful...content with letting his brother do most of the talking out of the two of them.

"We want to know, what's a mate?" Ace asks, and my eyes widen in surprise.

"Where did you hear that sweetheart?" I ask, considering they're a little young, they probably overheard a conversation between two older wolves.

"Big sister Avery, she was talking to Mama about mates...what are they?" He continues, Leo quietly listening in as he stands beside his brother. I sigh, knowing that they aren't going to let it go.

"Well, mates are special people that the Goddess chooses for you to spend the rest of your life with." I explain.

"Special? Like Mama and Daddy?" He asks, and I smile.

"Yeah, your mom and dad are mates, they're each other's special person. You and Leo will find yours once you're older."

"Really?!" Ace exclaims with excitement, a sparkle in his eyes. "Do you think they'll be like mama?"

I can't help but chuckle at his excitement.

"They just might be, why?"

"Because mama is strong, and brave! Oh, and really cool!" Ace exclaims, and I can almost imagine the pride on Luna Katrina's face if she had heard that.

"As long as they're nice, I don't mind..." Leo whispers quietly, a soft blush on his cheeks. He's too adorable, whoever is destined for these two as mates are going to be very lucky.

"Well, I'm sure the Goddess has got the perfect mate for you out there." I chuckle, and they both look up at me in wonder, their purple eyes almost glowing with excitement.

"I can't wait! I wonder what they look like?" Ace says, bouncing on his toes as he turns to Leo, who's pulling the hood of his shirt over his short black hair.

"I just hope they like us..." He murmurs, and Ace looks at him with disbelief.

"Of course they'll like us Leo! We're awesome! Why wouldn't they?"

"What if..what is they're scared of us? Of werewolves?"

"Then we'll just have to show them that they don't have to be scared of us, because we're nice werewolves!"

I shake my head with a laugh as they run back to the living room, both speculating over who their mate will be.

Yep, their mate is going be very lucky. Very lucky indeed.

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