Chapter 2

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Helloooo.... I've been updating my fanfics a lot lately. Well not the one that I did with my friend (cause she's busy and it wouldn't feel right if I just edited/published stuff without her but I'll ask her if I can continue without her). Anywayssss... in this part I'm hoping to add more insight into Annabeth's life. An insight into just how horrible her life really is.

Oh right 

DISCLAIMER (for this story and every story I ever wrote (so far): All the pjo characters belong to 'uncle' Rick, any others like Hercules/Heracles (like the disney one) belongs to Disney and so on and so forth.

I took my usual seat next to Helen for breakfast. Helen always insisted we eat breakfast and dinner together as a family. We both knew however, that I wasn't included in Helen's idea of family, but was forced to include me anyways. 

She also always insisted that I should sit next to her. 'To improve our relationship' she would say to my dad, but I knew. And she knew I knew. That it was to keep me away from her precious sons and husband. She knew I knew but couldn't resist the urge to continuously remind me, everyday before going to bed, to stay away from her family. 

'Stay away from my family,' she would growl at me. 'You're lucky I haven't kicked you out of out front door. Ungrateful child.' before closing the my bedroom door with a loud bang.


I trudged to school, miserable. As usual Helen would drive me out of the house, with Bobby and Mathew in the backseat, to school. By school, I meant Bobby and Mathew's school. Helen would make me walk the rest of my way to reach my school. She always said that she didn't have time but I knew it was an excuse. See, Helen didn't work. My dad and I were the only ones in the family who did. My dad was a college professor and I was a tutor. I only did it because Helen wouldn't give me any lunch money. She'd always give Bobby and Mathew money before claiming that I was too old to depend on her for anything. 

She never got me any presents either. She told me I was too old for those too. It was a lie though, because she herself got everyone else, my school friends, her friends, presents. Also, she had never gotten me any presents. Even back when I was Bobby and Mathew's age.

I walked into my school and was greeted by my one of my best friends, Rachel (just go with it, I need to save Thalia for later). Rachel and I started out as friends because neither of us really fit in. My other friend, Luke, could probably become one of the most popular people in this school but he hated drama so he tended to avoid it. (Luke isn't evil in this. Cause this story would be cliche if he were) 

'Annabeth' Rachel smiled as she greeted me. 'Did you hear? They're going to have an art competition!' she squealed in delight.

'Let me guess,' I smiled for the first time that day, 'you're going to enter and you need my help.'

'Yes' She replied. 'I going to make this huge sculpture and I need someone to help me hold up the bits and bobs. But I was think we could do one of those group ones, enter as a pair you know?'

'Yeah' I grinned

'With your architectural skills and your ability to create practically anything I'm sure you guys will win.' we turned around an- 

'Luke!' we said in unison.

'Hey guys' He grinned at us.

'We thought you had the flu' I said punching his shoulder.

'Yeah we thought you weren't coming' Rachel slapped his other arm.

'Ok' Luke grimaced 'Ow and yeah I thought I did too but when we went to the hospital it turns out it was just a cold.' Luke smiled nervously. 'I mean come on! I can't miss the last day of term! I need to say good bye to my best friends.'

We laughed and headed off to class.

So this is Annabeth's school life and a littler more into her life at home. I want to write the next part but I have to revise for a test...


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