Your Partner [Final Part]

Start from the beginning

"Didn't I say no sneaking out?"

"Now look what happened"

"I'll be right there"


I lowered my heaf as I held her in my arms again.

"Smight, I'm sor..."

"So...rry" I awkwardly apologized

'I never apologized for anything'

This was my first apology since forever.

"Please don't leave me" I begged.

"You said we were a team"

"A partner doesn't leave the other"

"So please... stay..."

The first tear slipped from my eye.

At this moment, I knew that I was bad at expressing my emotions.

I don't even know why I'm blabbering these things.

Seeing her this badly bruised, made me weak.

Made my body slighlty tremble.

Maybe it was because I mistreated her before this tragedy happened.

'Stay, Please'


[Maps' POV]

I slowly forced my eyes open as I felt how heavy they were.

My whole body was sore, but I was able to move a bit and get myself comfortable in the bed I was resting on.

I took a glance at my surroundings and guessed that I was back in the Batcave.

'Who brought me here?'

'Was it Dami-'

"Argh" I groan as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

Mysteriously, I felt as if the bed lifted a bit,

"Maps! You're awake!"

I realized that someone came close to wrap it's arms around me,

"I'm... s-sorry"

That voice.

When I finally diciphered who's voice it belonged to I question,


He broke the hug and looked at me in the eyes,


He cleared his throat in embarrasment.

'Let me guess, he's never apologized before?'

I giggled for a few mili-seconds before grunting from the pain in my stomach,

"You did great for your *grunt* first apology"

His eyes slightly widened,

"Was it obvious?"

"Yep" I smile.

He started rubbing th back of his neck,

"Oh" He muttered.

I started moving my body because I felt uncomfortable on the position I was.

The movement involved many groans escaping from my mouth before being stopped by Damian's hands,


"You're hurting yourself" He added.

I sigh,

"Did I fall that hard?"

I observed myself and noticed the patched up injuries on my body.

"Well..." he started,

"You fell as the roof collapsed on you"

My eyes widened as I finally came clear to what had happened before I blacked out,

"How am I still alive?" I muttered to myself.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That uh..." I tried to avoid what I had said,

"Weren't you mad?"

I congratulated myself for being able to make up something.

He seemed to want to avoid my questions now, since his body tensed a bit.

But he manged to answer,

"Well... I wasn't mad..."

"I was just..."

He sighed before sitting next to me and continuing,


"I was rude"

I turned my gaze to his hand as I felt the need to place mine over his.

I felt him tense a bit at my sudden action before his hand relaxed.

"Earlier..." I start,

"That's why you said sorry?"

"Yea..." He quietly replied as he seemed to slowly lower his head.

He felt guilty.

A smile formed on my face as I rubbed his hand,

"It's okay"

"I forgive you" I rephrase.

He switch his glance to me with happiness in his eyes.

I saw a slight smile slowly but very slowly forming in his lips.

He got up and hugged me.

'He really means his apology'

I closed my eyes as I hugged him back and melted into the hug with a smile.


[Third POV]

'I'm sorry'

Damian tightens the hug as his guilt took over him.

He didn't know why but he cares for her.

Let me rephrase that.

He knew exactly why, but he denied his emotions.

"Partner" he states.

Maps was stunned,

'He considers me his partner now?'

Her smile grew even more,

"Partner" she stated back.

She was happy that he finally accepted her.

After her slow recovery, they went on patrol together.

They both would spend their mornings training.

Like a team would.

The entire Batfamily, including Alfred, knew that they had some special bond forming in between them.

However, Damian would deny their 'stupid' thoughts while Maps would do the same to their 'silly' thoughts.

Yet, deep inside they knew...

They knew it was their love for each other.

[End of Your Partner]


Word Count: 1,084



I felt the guilt, lmao.

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