Who IS this?

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*Credits to the Artist🔝*


[Tim's POV]

"Is Damian back?" I ask Alfred.

"Master Damian is in his bedroom right now" he replies.

"Thanks Alf"

I walk up the stairs to the second floor.

I continue till the last room on the hall.



I knock slightly.

I noticed that the door was a bit open.

'Might as well go in'

I poke my head and gaze around the room.

'Ah, there he is-'

"Wha-" I quickly pause.

I didn't want to interrupt the scene.

'No way'

Damian was listening to music in his white earbuds.

The wires connecting to his phone and his hands on some paper.

He seemed to be drawing.

He swiftly shook his head from side to side.

His eyes were closed as he moved his mouth.

He was silently singing.

I managed to contain my laughter.

'This is funny, but scary'

Soft shivers rolled down my spine.

The Damian I know would never be the type to do this.

So either this isn't him or...


I walk out, internally panicking.

I calmed myself down, slowly.

'Its just a one time'



[Third POV]

Tim decided to tell Jason, since Dick had gone out patrolling.

"Timmy, did you hit your head?"

"No! What? Are you even listening?" questions Tim.

"Demon wouldn't even know how to do that" Jason chuckles at the stupid ideas his brother had come up with.

"But I saw him" states Tim.

Jason gives him a look in disbelief.

"I will not believe it until I see it with my own eyes"

Jason points to his eyes.

Tim walks out of the room.

'I'll prove it, somehow'

Tim thought to himself, determined.


[Alfred's POV]

It seems that Damian's personality has changed.

He has always returned from Mia's house wih a smile.

He would close himself in the room.

The reason he was happy was because of Mia.

The time they spend together was enough to change his mood.

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