Weakness? No

172 7 0

*Credits to the Artist🔝*

[Damian's POV]

I look through the Batcomputer for any crimes.

From tab to tab, click to click on the keyboard.

Then I hear loud footsteps,

"Damian, what are you doing?"

He still calls me Damian even when I'm in my Robin suit.

I turn my chair around,

"-TT-, I was bored" I lied.

I get up and let Batman take his seat back.

I watched as he type things on the screen.

He was typing fast like how a doctor would type on their computer.





I hum.

'Crime alert'

Father clicks on the notification on the map.

I recognized the location.

'Gotham Academy'

I remember getting suspended from that school after taking the blame for my... now girlfriend.

After the click, the computer showed a video, Bruce played it:

"All students of Gotham Acdemy have been spotted running away from the school" said the reporter.

I cross my arms, trying to analyze every detail of the video.

"Villain, Poison Ivy has been seen calling out for a girl"

"We don't know who the girl is, but her name seems to be Mia"

The video went black as it finished.

My eyes widened at the name,

'Oh no'

'Maps, what did you do this time?'

"Shit" I muttered.

I quickly got on the Batmobile.

I glance at Batman who was just staring at my actions.

"Why are you still standing there?

He narrows his eyebrows before raising one,

"You know the girl?"

"Does it matter?! We have to go!" 8 commanded.

He gives me a slight glare at my demanding tone and hops on the driver's seat,

"Fine, but we'll talk later"

I nod as he starts the engine.

I needed to be there quickly.

Especially when my girlfriend was the one at stake.

Only one question roamed around my head,

'Why was she the target?'


[Maps' POV]

"Olive! Just go! Get he-"

I was shouting and pointing the way out for Olive, before one of Ivy's plants caught me and blocked my mouth.

I watched as Olive nodded and ran away.

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