》End of Book《

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Welcome to the end of this book.

Thank you so much for reading this💙❤

Really means a lot.

P.S. I enjoyed writing this book💞


Here's a Thank you from the characters in this story including one from me:

Jason: Hey, Thank you! Really, I love your appreciation and dedication to reading this book. Especially because I'M included in some of the stories *smirks* *whispers* I love you!

Dick: Oh my god! I can't believe this really is the end. You should be proud because you have just finished reading this I don't know, 40+ stories of DamiMaps! Just know that I'm proud of you even if you aren't. Thank you for reading this, I love you Reader! Stay Whelmed!

Tim: I'm sincerely lost for words. Dick and Jason have said everything. But for reals for reals, I love you for reading this book. I hope you loved our acting in our stories *smiles*

Damian: Honestly... Great job. Coming from me, I'm proud, child. If you were able to read this, then you can go do your homework now and focus on school.

Maps: Don't listen to that rude Dami. He's just upset that Dick took out Titus for a walk before he could. But we all are proud. I love you so much for putting up with this story. Mostly because this was Author Yam's first story.

Bruce: Keep it going, kid.

Author Yam: Like they all mentioned, I'm so glad to have you as my reader. I really hope you liked my first book. Thank you for not getting tired of me. I love you so much with all my heart. Honestly, it's hard believing that this book has come to an end. It is even harder to say goodbye to it. *sigh* but it is what it is. Thank you, for sticking around this long. Hope to see you again!


Bonus Character's Thank you:

Olive: You are seriously the best for reading this book.

Kyle: Thanks so much for the votes you left.

Colton: Hope to see you again!

Pomeline: You're amazing and stay like that.

Eric: Uh... thanks that you loved it...?

Beast Boy: You are seriously so Cool! Like how did you manage to stay and wait for another update? I wouldn't like to wait, but you were able to. Awesome.

Raven: I see you like reading books, that's good. There are some people who can't do what you do. If that's not talent then I don't know what is.

Jon: Thank you for reading these one shots!

The Joker: *devilish laugh* [Author Yam pops in] "Okay! Yea, let's not do that" [pushes Joker away]

Scarecrow: My acting was 10/10, right? [Author Yam facepalms]

The Penguin: ... I don't have time for this...

The Riddler: Riddle me this, Riddle me that, One may be given for helping out someone, Or when you open the door for your cousin. Thou it isn't demanded, it can be really impactful when given to the receiver. What two worded phrase am I?

The answer would be,

Thank you


💚💛[End of DamiMaps One shots/ Stories]💛💚

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