The Chemistry Lab

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Hey people, I'm back.

I'll be updating 3 more chapters after this one.

And maybe take a 4 day break.


[Maps' POV]

When will the bell ring?

This chemistry lesson is boring...

"As the end of the marking period is approaching, it is my duty to give you all a lab project. After all, I haven't given you any in a while, which is my fault"

My eyes widened at her words. What did he say...? How did we go from learning the periodic table to a lab project.

"I've already set you all in pairs. If you have a problem with your oartner, please email me later in the day. Starting off with the first partners to research about atoms: Damian Wayne and Mia Mizoguchi. Next are-"

Wait... she said what?

I lowered my head as I stared at my hands resting on my legs, clenching my pants to hold back my excitement.

The Damian Wayne?

How did this happen?

Hold on- but would he make me do all the work? Since he's Bruce Wayne's son, maybe he cheats? That's why he gets good grades?

I was so lost in my thoughts to even realize that the boy I was thinking about had already taken a seat next to me.

"Daydreaming again?"

"Huh?" I glanced up, and was immediately startled to see him next to me.

Shoot! Uh- wh- what do I say?!

"Um... sorry..." I whispered, giving a bad attempt at smiling.


Mia Mizoguchi...

I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. I'm not ready for this.

"My butler will pick you up. Does 2 o'clock in the afternoon work for you?" he said, almost in a flat monotone voice.


Without letting me respond, he quickly handed me a note, "Tell me where you live"

In the note it said:

My number is: XXX-XXX-XXXX

If I knew his phone number, I would've put it there, but I don't *cries*

That dork. He almost sounded like he was going to kidnap me or something. But it definitely got a chuckle out of me.

I began to pack my own stuff and walked out with my phone in hand. I added Damian to my contacts and texted Olive.

Could she be out already?


After finishing off the day with a shower, I saw that I received a text back from Damian.

Bring your notes, don't forget them while daydreaming

"You!!" I shouted, almost punching the air itself before Kyle intercepted.

"Maps?! Is everything alright?!" I heard him shout in a worried tone from downstairs.

"Yes, sorry, It was a... story... yeah a story that I'm reading. The character made a stupid move"

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