Is It My Fault?

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I thought I already published this...


[Damian's POV]

I sigh and plop myself onto my bed.

I had joined Maps to go to Olive's party.

All the laughter we had over there, wored me out.

Because you know, I never do that so its tiring when I smile.

'I'm the type to go to parties?'

It was quite surprising.

Ever since I met Maps,

'I've changed'

I, till this day, still can't believe that I fell this hard for her.

It wasn't a bad thing, though.

'What time is is, anyways?'

The clock read:



'I better get to sleep'

I don't want to be late and not see my Beloved in the morning.

I smile as I fade to my dreams.


[Maps' POV]

'I can't believe I'm doing this'

Today, in the morning, like RIGHT NOW, Olive reminded me of our bet.

And well, what other choice do I have?

I see Damian with his hoodie on.

He was walking towards me with his hands in his pockets.

I turn away, awkwardly and avoided his gaze.

'I hate this'

'I hate this'

'I hate this'

I kept repeating myself.

'I hate this so much'

I rushed to the girls bathroom.

'I feel so bad'

I look at my reflection in the mirror.

'Alright Maps'

'You can do it'

'It's just for the rest of the school day'

I take a deep breath in, and out.

I walk out as the bell rang.


'That's the first bell'

The closer I got to my classroom, the sooner I realized that,

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