Mission... Accomplished? Part 1

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[Third POV]

Mia Mizoguchi, one of the best Assassins who has been trained since her childhood after an incident... with her father. She is also one of Talia al Ghul's personal assassin.

And heck, she might be better than Damian, who knows... well, why don't we find out?

[Maps' POV]

"Yahh! Ehh! Uff! HAH!" I end up on my fighting stance

I then start panting, but not as much as my partner.

She huffed, "Gosh Maps! Don't... you haa-ever get... tired?" says Olive through her panting.

"I-It's been like... 3 hours"
She added.

"I do, but not as fast as you do, hah look at you!" I teased as I pointed at Olive's sweaty face after she uncovered it.

"Ugh" Olive covered her face again, with her mask, "One more round, Maps!" She announced.

I get into position, "Alright, but don't blame me when you get breathing problems" I smirked under my mask.

Come on Olive, you come to me first.

"Mizoguchi!" interrupted a guard from the entrance of our training place.

Aw, Come on! Bad timing!

"What is it?" I take my mask off, glaring at him.

"She commands to see you" he stated in a really sobered tone before taking off.

I silently sighed, "Well, catch you later Olive!" I waved goodbye bye to Olive as I made my way to Talia's... office? You could call it.

I was always the happy kid around here. But everytime I had to see her. I just felt like I couldn't be happy.

I was restricted. I was locked up, but not literally.

What could Talia want? Did I do something wrong?

Or maybe there could there be a... mission?

I opened the door to find Talia sitting on her chair and handing me a file.

"Well, hey Talia, good to see you too" I mumbled before grabbing the folder and taking a look at it.

"Him. I want him dead" her voice, sobered as ever.

Who does she want dead that makes her sound like this? So cold...

Taking a closer look at the file and actually reading it, I raised an eyebrow, "A kid? Damian... Wayne? Wait isn't he you-"

"Son, my son. He isn't anymore" she interrupted me.

She seemed disappointed. Upset.

"How come? Are you abandoning him?" I questioned.

"He was suppose to be trained to be the next leader of the League, but he decided on his own to help his father in Gotham" I noticed how she clenched her fists.

"He... betrayed you?" I continued to asked, unsure if what I said, was actually what I meant to say.

"No, he just failed to be my son. Besides me and Batman can always make more" she smirked.

"Ba-Batman? He's the father?!" I projected my voice.

Oh shoot, I just shouted at her, what am I doing?

"Im sorry" I quickly apologized, and added, "I should be more careful with my tone"

Then I heard her sigh, "Mia, if only Damian was more like you..." she made eye contact with me, "Obedient and loyal"

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