Two Ghosts

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The next day...

Louis' POV:

I'm sat next to Harry...he's asleep. No surprise there!

Anne's outside calling some relatives, letting them know of Harry's condition.

He's going to be going for a scan soon. I'm worried. Please don't let him have brain damage is all i keep thinking.

He wakes up, and again looks confused. He's looking around, then his eyes stop at mine. He looks like he's trying to work out who I am, again!

He frowns, and looks so frustrated and scared.

"Hey Harry...It's Louis. How you doing?" I ask quietly.

He stays silent, like he's frightened of talking, or maybe he can't, still.

"Can you talk?" I ask.

No response.

"Can you hear me?"

He nods his head. Thank god for that!

The door opens and Anne walks in with the doctor.

"Hi Louis. Harry love. It's time for your scan now. We'll be here when you come back. OK?" She says as she kisses his cheek, making him flinch.

The porter wheels him away.

I slump back in my seat and sigh. Anne sits next to me, taking my hand.

"How you doing Lou?" She asks.

" I'm ok. You know? " i sighed again, looking down at my shoes. "How are you?"

" Shattered, sad, emotional. I just need my boy well, and back home. " she whispered.

I nodded.

Harry was gone about an hour.

The doors to his room opened and he was wheeled back in,looking exhausted.

He was helped back into the bed. I noticed he stumbled quite a bit.

He fell back against his pillows, as the doctor came in.

"Hello. Well...Harry's had the scan. We just need to wait for the results. Should take about an hour or so. I'll come back and go over them with you. Any questions?" She asked.

" i can't think of anything. Not until we hear the results. " Anne replied. We thanked the doctor as she left the room.

Harry had fallen back to sleep.

Anne looked at me. "Come on love, let's go and get something to eat." I nodded and we took a last look at Harry and left to go to the hospital cafe.


Back in Harry's room, stomachs full, and waiting impatiently for news, Harry wakes up. He looks downright miserable, unsurprisingly.

The doctor comes in and sits down opposite Anne and I.

"Right...the scan does show some damage. It's part of the brain that controls memory and speech. It is something that we can improve on though. It may take some time, but hopefully he should regain his memory. He'll need speech therapy as well.

These are things that can be taken care of in outpatient appointments. Once he's had the all clear, he can be discharged, but i would like him to stay in for a few days."

Anne let out a breath she'd been holding.

"We'll try and get him up and mobile tomorrow, and I'll need to get someone to try a memory test later. It's ok to talk to him, try and jog his memory." The doctor finished.

"Can't it be fixed by more surgery? What if he doesn't recover?" Anne asked, worried.

"surgery would be our last resort. I think with the therapy and your help, he should make good progress. We don't really want to put his body through the stress of more surgery if we can help it." She smiled.

Anne nodded. "Ok thank you doctor, for everything." She shook her hand and left.

We didn't notice that Harry had yet again fallen asleep. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I wish he looked peaceful when he was awake too, instead of scared and frustrated.


Later that afternoon, Harry is sat up in bed, with a therapist. He's trying to do a memory test. Which is proving very difficult for him.

He was able to tell the therapist, Kevin, what his name is, but that was all. He didn't know who me and Anne were, where he lived, not even his age.

Kevin showed him pictures of animals and famous people, places and gadgets. He recognised only a handful.

He got so frustrated, he started crying and pulling his hair. Anne had to jump up and pull his hands away, a small clump of hair in one fist. Anne burst into tears.

I had to pull her away, and took her outside the room, sitting her down. She wrapped her arms around me, sobbing.

"Oh Anne, it will get better, the doctor said so!" I tried reassuring her. She continued sobbing. My tears were falling too.

We sat in silence for a while. Kevin came out of Harry's room and stood in front of us.

"I've finished this session. I'm afraid he didn't remember much. I'll be back at the same time tomorrow. Please try not to worry too much. Goodbye." He smiled and walked away.

We walked back in and sat down. My backside hurts from all the sitting I've been doing.

"Hey love." Anne whispered , wiping her tears. "It's Mum. Do you remember me?"

Harry looked at her and concentrated. He seemed to be scanning her whole face. He took his time. He lifted up his right hand and touched her cheek. Anne gasped.

"M-m-mu-m?" He stuttered quietly.

Anne's tears flowed again, as she smiled.I

I love Harry
All the love xxx

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