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[JUNGKOOK's pov]

I walked outside the House taking one last look of the House that I called home for years...  I still want Taehyung to go and Look for me... but I know... that won't Happen...

I took my phone out from my pockets and dialled his Number... but to no avail... he didn't answered the Phone...

I tried to stop my tears from falling but I failed.... why? Now that I love him more why is this happening to us? I hope that in the future... we can go back the way we are...

Wait for me Taehyung-ah... I will fight for us...


I sat on the benches inside the airport, I already checked in my Luggages and Waiting for my Flight to be called... I looked around the area then I saw Chanyeol Hyung with his Wife/Husband...

I think they saw me and they approached me...

"Long time no see Taehyungs Fiancée" Chanyeol Hyung said and I bowed to them...

"I'm not his Fiancée anymore" I said in a low voice and head hung low...

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that... what happened?" This time I heard Baekhyun hyungs voice...

I looked at him and smiled... tears almost left my eyes but I was fast enough to wipe it...

I sighed and looked at them one more time...

"Come here Jungkook-ah..." Baekhyun Hyung took my hand and dragged me to the nearest bench and sat there...

"Now.. Tell me What happened" he said with worry in his Voice...

"He... He might've misunderstood my relationship with Jimin... He... He thought that I like Jimin Hyung because of what happened 2 days ago" I said and this time... I cannot stop my Tears from falling anymore...

Baekhyun Hyung Hugged me while drawing circles on my back soothing me...

After a Minute or Two I finally calmed down and thanked him...

"Where are you headed?" He asked me..

"I'm going to America Hyung" I answered back...

"What a coincidence! We're going there too!" He said and smiled at me...

"Have You chosen your Seat yet?" He asked me... I shook my had and he smiled at me...

"Come now... let's get you seated next to us" he said and dragged me to the counter...

"Breaking News, The son of The Ceo of Kim Group of Companies are inside of the ICU at the Moment. Some bystanders  called the Ambulance and the Police when Mr. Kim was Hit by a Red Ferrari and the Owner of the Said car ran away. By now they're doing a surgery on Mr. Kim because looking at the Scene, he lost so much blood and we're still waiting for some updates"

I looked at the Monitor hanged on the wall of the airport...

Wh... what happened? he... he...

Baekhyun Hyung might saw my Hands trembling...

"Go to him" he said and I looked at him...

"We'll take care of everything here... Now go!" He said and smiled at me...

I thanked them and ran towards the Exit... I hailed a Cab and I told the driver to go to Seoul Hospital...

After a 5 minute drive we finally arrived at the hospital and there I saw Taehyungs Mom along with her Guards...

I tried to approach Mrs. Kim but I was stopped by one of his Guards..

She might've saw me and she told the guards to let me pass... I ran up to her and she immediately hugged me...

"Jungkook ah... I don't know what I'll do If Taehyung-"

"Anyone here for Mr. Kim?" The Doctor came out from the Operating room with such worry in his voice...

"Here Doctor" Mrs. Kim said and I followed her...

"We need blood for Mr. Kim right now... If you will be willing-"

"I'll do it" Mrs. Kim said and the Doctor nodded...

After 30 minutes the doctor came back with the results...

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim but you cannot donate your blood to your Son because you recently suffered from Heart Attack... do you know someone with the same blood type?" The Doctor asked Mrs. Kim

"My Husband... but he's in America right now..." she said and cried...

"Doctor... can I donate my blood?" The doctor looked at me

"What is your blood type sir?" He asked me...

"AB Doctor" I said and he nodded...

"Please come this way Sir" he said and I followed him.. Mrs. Kim thanked me and I followed the Doctor to the Lab...

3 hours later*

"The Surgery was a Success, but the Patient may suffer from amnesia due to the Impact on his Head... but nothing's for sure yet... we have to check first when he woke Up..." Then the Doctor excused Himself...

Mrs. Kim sighed in relief and she immediately told the Nurse to Put Taehyung in a VVIP room...

But... amnesia? Will Taehyung forget about me? W-Would he still love me then?


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