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The moment I opened my Eyes I scanned the Room I was In...

I looked to my Side and I saw Jungkook Head Down and He seems Like Sleeping....

I caressed his Hair and he stirred from his Sleep...

I tried to sit up but my head is killing me! I just sighed and laid down on the mattress again...

I looked at him one more time...

"Thank You for everything Jungkook... I hope that you can be happy with someone who you truly love..." I said as Tears fell down from my Face...

Letting Jungkook go was the Last thing I wanted to do... but looking back on my previous actions towards him... I deserve this... I bullied and tortured Jungkook in the past... and now? That's happening to me...

Why? Why didn't I realised that Jungkook was the one for me and not her!? I'm such a stupid person...

Right.. this Is what U deserve... to be left alone...

I felt that someone held my hand and I looked on my side and I saw Jungkook looking at me with such pain in his eyes... He tried to wipe my cheeks with his thumb but I shoved it off...

"You should go now Jungkook..." I said as I removed my hands from his and turned my back towards him...

I heard him sob and the next thing I knew... he was running towards the door out of my room...

I'm sorry Jungkook-ah... I truly am...

2 days later

I stayed in my room... I didn't moved an Inch... He's leaving today...

I'm such a Coward... but... isn't this what I wanted...? To make him Go and Never meet him again? Isn't this what I prayed for? But now that it's coming true... why does it Hurt so much? Why is my heart breaking? This is what I wanted... but why do I seem to regret it?

I heard my Cellphone ring and I'm not in the mood to answer calls right now...

After a while The ringing stopped and I heard a Car door closed and the next thing I knew... I was alone...

Tears left my eyes and I couldn't hold it in anymore... I cried... This is what Jungkook felt before... and it's only fair for me to feel it too... I cried and Cried nonstop until there were no more tears left to cry...

I looked into my closet.. I walked towards it and Rummaged through my clothes... on the very bottom of my closet... there lays a Picture frame... A small picture frame to be exact...

I picked it up and looked at it... it was a picture of me and Jungkook... I know some of you must be wondering where I got this... I took it on the day that me and Jungkook finally got to know each other... that day when I read his Diary...

I walked back to my bed and Displayed the picture on my Bedside table...

I looked at it one more time and I went out of my room and went downstairs...

The House seems so dull... Seems lifeless... I walked towards the kitchen counter and saw a piece of paper...

I picked it up and opened the Paper...

It was a Letter... written by Jungkook...

Hi Taehyung-ah... I know that we may have some misunderstandings between us... but that doesn't change the Fact that I love you... And That won't change... we may be hundreds of miles apart... but my heart will always long for you... we may have loved each other at the Wrong time... I hope that In our next lives... we wouldn't turn out like this... I hope that in our next lives... it's just the two of us... happily married... No Problems... just Love...

I hope that we can meet again in the future... I hope by that time.. the wounds that we got from this is already gone... it may leave a scar... but it's just a lesson of the past that we should not suffer anymore in the Future...

I Love You Kim Taehyung... and I hope you do too...

I'm sorry for leaving you... I hope you find someone to make you happy... see you in the future... Mr. Kim... I won't forget you...


I... I don't know what to do...

I looked at the front door and I imagined jungkook walking out from that door... I finally realised that It's not too late... I grabbed my keys and went inside my car...

I drove as fast as I can to the Airport... the traffic was heavy and I'm getting annoyed by this... luckily I'm driving my car at the Side of the road and I just left it there...

I ran and ran... just to make sure that I'll arrive on time... Finally... I saw the airport...

I ran mindlessly and didn't saw a Car running in full speed... I heard a Honk and the next thing I Knew... I'm soaked with Blood... people circling around me... a pool of blood surrounding me...

I tried to move... but I can't seem to feel anything... I tried... I really tried... but I can't... my head hurts... my body hurts... and most of all... my heart hurts...

The last thing I saw... was paramedics surrounding me and telling me to not to go to sleep...

But I can't seem to do it...

If this is my last minutes on earth... I would like to apologise to Jungkook for everything I've done... and for what I have done for the second time... Letting him go... I'm sorry for the hardships that I made him experience... This must be my End... but I hope Jungkook will make it to the End and be happy... because If this is really my time... then I'm going to stay by Jungkooks side and Guide him through it all...

I love you My Jungkook... please be happy and always remember that I Love You...


THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING MY STORY!!! Please vote and comment and don't forget to follow me!!! thank You guys!!! I love you all!!!😍😍😍


Dear Diary,2 Kth*JjkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora