"Have you look at the name written on the box?"


"Figures. Your brother does the same thing."

I chuckle, "Why would you leave a box of popsicles at my house?"

"I get a sweet tooth sometimes, and your mom doesn't always buy the right ice cream. So, I decided to man up and bring my own."

"Nice to know you made yourself at home." I smile, realizing the song had ended and switch to another one. "What are you doing here?"

"Trev asked me to study with him," he said, pulling out a chips bag. He flips it open, "I may not look like it, but I'm pretty smart," he said, eating the delicious treats. "And no, I will not share because you ate my popsicle."

I push the popsicle towards him, "Want to trade?"

He held the bag close to his chest, "Trade you, my popsicle for my chips?"

I nodded, "Fair, right?"

Eli shook his head and sighed, "You do not know how reality works do you?" He pointed a finger towards me and made a popping sound, "Get out of your little bubble."

I move the popsicle back into my mouth, "Believe me. I'm trying."

"What's wrong pretty lady? Luke still getting on your nerve?"

I cock my head towards him, "I believe that's none of your business."

He stops eating the chips, the tip of his tongue slides out, caressing across his salty lip, "Sorry. You're right. It's none of my business."

A heavy silence settled over us, thicker heat in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching each other glances.

I know it was harsh of me to say, but it was the truth. It was none of his business. However, at the same time, I felt like I wronged him. Because I know Eli only asked because he cared.

"Can I ask you something?" I question.

He smiles and nodded. Sometimes, I wonder how Eli does it. How he can smile so frequently, so freely, as if nothing can hurt him.

I lifted a leg and turned to my side, feeling the popsicle dripping on the bench. "Let's say a girl was really horrible...like her whole life. Somehow, she was able to get a second chance, so she decided to embrace it. However, when she finally decided to be better, things change."

His lip thinned momentarily before he asked: "Like what?"


Eli scratched his head, and I knew he was confused.

"Let's say this was a story," I said, and he nodded along. "The girl was the villain between the main characters. She was the one-"

Eli's mouth gap opens and an "Ohhh" sound exit causing me to stop talking, "I get what you mean."

"You do?"

Eli nodded, "So, you know how a story goes, right? There's always a hero, hero's love interest, and a villain. All three are a must-have to complete a story."

"Yes, and if the villain decides to remove herself?"

"Easy answer!"

"What is it?"

"There is no story!"

"Wait. What?"

"If the villain is removed, then the two main characters of the story would not be together."

To My Future Cheating HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now