Your Savior {L.H}

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You walk into school, already dreading the day...

Once you look at your locker, the boys and girls that bully you are already waiting for you.

You fumble with your sleeves and look at the ground as you make your way to your locker. When you are there, you get a little shove

"You arent gonna say 'hi', loser?" James, the quarterback of the football team asks you 

You ignore him, and go to open your locker, once it is open, and you have your things  in your locker, and the things you need out, you are about to walk away, when you hear Jame's  girlfriend , Jenny, speak up

"fucking answer him!" She yells in your face, pushing you and making you fall to the ground

"I-I'm sorry," You began to say, but then you hear someone shouting behind them.

"Hey!" The boy's voice yells "Leave her the hell alone!" He yells at them.

It was the nerdy kid, Luke Hemmings.

 You always found him nice, you guys talked every once and a while , but you never really expected him to do something like that, he was really quiet. 

"Hey, (y/n).... Are you alright?" He asks you, with a smile, ignoring all the starring eyes of bullies behind him 

You nod "Yeah" You smile "Thank you Luke" 

He didn't seem to care what others thought, you were confused why he would want to be seen helping you, the torment might be shifted onto him as well, 

but he helped anyways. 

He helps you collect your books, and extends a hand to help you up. 

"Walk you to your  class?" He asks

"Yes, please" You say,

He nods, and you guys turn and walk down the hall, past the bullies...

You didnt really get bothered by anyone in school like that again, because you were never alone, and always walking with Luke...

You and Luke became best friends after that. 

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