Passing notes {C.H}

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You find yourself sitting, bored in your anatomy class. 

It is a rainy Friday, and you were just itching for the weekend to start, unfortunately, it was only 4th hour. 

You didn't really have any plans for the weekend, you just knew you didn't want to be in school any longer, it has been a long and hard week for you. 

Just then, you feel someone tap on your shoulder, it was the cute boy, Calum that sat diagonally and behind you . 

He handed you a piece of notebook paper, it read:

"You wanna hang out after school, (y/n)"

you smile and quickly scribble back :

"Sure, Calum :) When and where?"

you quickly get a reply, it's his phone number:


Text me cutie ;) I'll pick you up" 

You smile, and think about your hangout that you are going to have with Calum later. 

!! A/N:

Hey guys, I think this one was okay, but maybe I could write a part two to it??

Idk if anyone would want that?? But I might just do it anyways because tbh, I think this chapter is part 2 worthy, like we wanna know what happens when Calum and (y/n) hang out ;)

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