Sick day (L.H)

15 0 0

You lay in your queen sized bed, wrapped in comforters and surrounded by cough drops, medicines, and tissues. 

You and your best friend Luke have been texting all day while you lay in bed with the hypothetical plague. 

You're just about to take a nap when Luke walks through your bedroom door with a cup of your favorite tea, a bowl of soup, and your favorite movie.  He is the greatest friend you have, and you're not too ashamed to say that a crush has developed towards him over the years. 

He pops the movie into the dvd player and sits down next to you in bed, putting his arm around you.

About 30 minutes into the movie, you're soup and tea is gone and you start to get a little drowsy. 

"Thank you so much for everything Luke, but I apologize if I fall asleep during this movie" 

He smiles while playing with your hair

"You need the rest, (y/n). Sleep if you want to" 

You rest your head on his long legs, that are covered in ripped black skinny jeans. 

"One thing first though, (y/n)" Luke says, before you fall asleep

He grabs your head in his hands, and your lips meet his. His lip ring is cold against you , but it doesn't bother you much, you've been wanting a kiss from him for a while. You then remember that you're sick and pull away.

"Luke!" you exclaim "Im sick"

I smile creeps onto his face before he responds to you

"You're worth getting a cold, (y/n)" 

your cheeks grow red and you drift off to sleep.

!! (A/N): That was kinda short but, 

1.) Thats kinda the point, and 

2.) I just wanted to get something out because its been a week and uploading more is how you get more people to view your story and such. 

Anyways, I hope you like it, I thought it was cute, fun and fresh. Like I said, I know it was really short and all, but whatever. 


Bye ;) 

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