CaluMhooD8 Added you!

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!! A/N:

(y/n)= Your Name

(y/h/c)= Your hair colour

(y/sc/n)= Your snapchat name

Wanted to add this because I use these kinda a lot throughout the chapter and I didnt want anyone to be confused, enjoy!

You sit in your room, flat ironing your (y/h/c) hair, getting ready for a night out with your gbf, Alex. 

Your phone dings, and you look down, seeing a notification from snapchat, multiple actually. You open your phone to the app, and a notification box pops up

"CaluMhooD8 Added you!"

At first you were confused, you don't remember knowing a Calum Hood. 

You see he posted on his story, so you watch it to figure out who he was. 

On his story, there is a selfie of him, and you notice he is really cute. The next thing on his story is a video of him and his friends goofing around, the caption reads "Pregaming with the boys" you see a couple other boys in the video with him.

Just then, it clicks. He goes to your college, and takes some of the same classes as you. 

You're in a Psychology class, a nutrition class, and a couple music classes with him.  You haven't really talked to him much, besides little conversations here and there, but he was definitely cute, and you definitely wouldn't mind talking to him more.  However, he did seem like a bit of a tool.

You are about to put your phone down, before it dings again

"CaluMhooD8 messaged you!" 

You open the messages to see that he slid up on a selfie of yourself with a winking and heart eyed emoji. Another text, that read:

CaluMhooD8: Hey :))) 

(y/sc/n): Hi there

CaluMhooD8: Whats up?

(y/sc/n): Nothing much, getting ready for tonight, hbu?

CaluMhooD8: Whats tonight? 

CaluMhooD8: But I am getting ready to go out with my friends.

(y/sc/n):Nothing big, just going out with a friends :)

You take a picture of yourself and Alex and put it on your story, you then put down your phone to get your shoes on, and then you guys head out to a bar. 


You set down at the bar, and you and your friend Alex order drinks. You guys talk for a bit, and dance. After a while of you guys dancing, you decide to go sit down again at the bar. 

you order a new drink, and decide to check snapchat. 

The first persons story you check is Calum's, it seems as if he is at a bar as well. You post another picture with Alex.

He slides up on that 

CaluMhooD8: Is that your boyfriend? 

(y/sc/n): Lol, I don't have a boyfriend, Alex is gay

CaluMhooD8: Well why not?

(y/sc/n): Why what?

(y/sc/n): Why don't I have a boyfriend?

CaluMhooD8: Yea, you're a gorgeous girl

Was he flirting with you? You thought.

(y/sc/n): No I am not, but thank you. And Idk why, just guys don't usually go for me.

CaluMhooD8: Do I qualify?

(y/sc/n): What??

CaluMhooD8: Nothing,

You find your best friend questioning why you are smiling at your phone so much. SO you tell him everything, about Calum being in your classes, and adding you on snapchat, and calling you cute. You even show him a picture

"Oh, sweetheart, I approve!" Alex says, smiling, "And you're so oblivious, he was totally flirting with you! " 

I smile some more 

"I don't know, I think he was just being friendly"

"OH COME ON (y/n), 'do I qualify' that's him asking if he could be your type!" Alex says, educating me on flirting, like he always has to do. 

"Isn't that him?" Alex says, pointing to someone across the bar, with a surprised tone in his voice

You look up, and surely enough it is him

Alex acts excited "GO! GO. TALK. TO HIMMM"

You shrug "NO! I can't do that"

Alex shakes his head "If you don't, I will"

You guys argue back and forth for a bit about going to talk to him, and when you look up at Calum again, he is out of his seat, and walking towards you. You suddenly start to get nervous. 

You hear Alex whisper into your ear "Im gonna leave you two alone"

He walks away, sending you into a panic, what were you supposed to do ?

Calum finally gets to you, and gives you a giant smile. 

"Hi there, (y/n)!"

"Hi Calum!" you say, returning the smile. You were both practically screaming because the music was so loud.

you guys talk for a while, and after a bit, Calum says. 

"How about you let me take you to dinner sometime?" Calum asks, getting closer to your ear, so you guys didn't have to scream as loud. 

"U-uhm, sure" You say, smiling up at this boy you just started talking to hours ago "I would love to"

He buys you a drink, and you guys dance for the rest of the night. 

Later that night when you go home with Alex, you guy talk about him, and you text Calum, thinking about your date in the near future.

!! A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked that one! Also, I am getting over whatever sickness I had! It is almost gone, but I still have a stuffy nose, and there is the occasional cough.

I was already thinking about a way to make a part two for "CaluMhooD8 Added you!", so if you guys wanna see a part two, let me know! 

Also, if there is any suggestions you guys might wanna see, let me know! I will write about any of the boys, in pretty much any scenario, but I would like to try and keep it as clean as possible.  

I know I don't have many people yet, but I want to thank anyone that is readying my story! Currently, or in the future! 

Please, please, and please give me feed back! Tell me what you thinK! Tell me what you liked, what you didn't, anything you may want to see, and if you think there is anything I should try, or do differently, just let me know! 

I am always open for constructive criticism, please be as nice as possible about it! 

Also, I was thinking about writing an actual story (not just one shots) about the boys(5sos lol), I don't know if I want to include all of them in one, or make separate ones for each of them.

ALSO, I don't know if any of my current readers (or any readers I may gain in the future) will like this, but I was thinking about starting a Marilyn Manson fanfiction? I don't know if anyone would go for that, but it seems like it would be fun, so if anyone would like to see that, or if any of you would read that, let me know :))) 

SEE YAH! <3 

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