Happy family once again. The end?

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Chapter 9

"Whatever had happened, I'm solely responsible for that. I should be punished. And you are the one who has all the right to do that. Go on, I'm ready to do anything" said suhana.

"Answer to my questions now," told Anita.

"Why did you do this, everything for what? " asked Anita.

"I don't know. I loved Ankit and I thought I would make him mine but when Tara came in his life, I tried to stop all this stuff but I don't know, I couldn't. It never let me stop. " said suhana.

"Well you should have told us this! " told Tara.

"No. You don't know what I was going through. It's in my head. It made me kill dad. Thank god I didn't, if I stopped that or told about this to you then it would make me kill you. I don't want to kill you.  I don't want Ankit to lose his only happiness. " cried suhana.

"why you took every chance to blame me? " asked Tara.

"You see Tara, I know I started this but I too believed that you lost your memory. I blamed you because I want you to go out of his life so that at least it wouldn't tempt me to kill you. It has some hatred for you. I don't know anything. Don't ask me anything, please. "She pleaded.

"Lastly, do you really love Ankit? " asked Anita.

"yes, I do. And I really want him to marry Tara and live happily. You know why? I know this would be the last thing that Rithik wanted. I couldn't tell him how lucky I am that I got his love. But I would make his last wish true. I would kill myself, if that it takes to end this. "Told suhana.

"You are wrong. Rithik always told me how much he loved you. I and Papa always wanted to have you in our home. Rithik wanted only one thing in his whole life and that is you. If you really want to obey my words, then here is your punishment. You have to live in our home, like our daughter. Will you? " asked Anita holding her face.

Tara smiled at her. Suhana was shocked. She refused but Anita compelled her. They both turned hearing Ankit's voice.

"Suhana, you are here. At last. Do you know what my mind is thinking right now? To hurt you and kill you so badly. But this heart still needs his friend. Ma was right. Rithik loved you always. You have done so much to remember and to forgot this mistake of yours. I love you and I want my suhana back. Will you give me in return to what you did to Rithik? Please... " he asked in teary eyes.

Suhana hugged him and told, "sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't replace Rithik. But I can replace his love for you. "

"Welcome to our family," said Tara hugging her.

"Ankit, Tara is the best thing that had ever happened for you. Take care of her" told suhana- smiling.

She then came to Anita and told, "ma you are so generous to have me as your daughter. I promise you I would take care of you and papa, I lost my parents, in fact, I killed them. But you have accepted me above all of that. I would be always grateful for that." they hugged and cried.

Suhana then told everyone that she has the last work to do, and she vanished. Everyone was shocked.

After a few hours,

Tara called Rajeev and asked where was he and why didn't he pick up her call. He answered that they are coming to the hospital and told that he will tell everything once he reached there.

After a few minutes, they saw Rajeev and suhana entering the hall. Ankit asked her what was all that. Rithik smiled at them and told everything is ended.

"Don't worry guys. I know you have a lot of questions. First of all the suhana, you met hours before is not her but her soul. Suhana was about to die. You know Riya tried but she was not in the state to save. Then Riya asked me to bring Ganga water so I went to the temple. When I came back suhana was struggling and I gave her the water I got from the temple. She then woke up and told me everything that happened. Suhana, so why don't you tell them everything? " asked Rajeev.

"Okay. I don't know but I was dying. Suddenly I found a light. I was tormented, tied in a dark room, where I found the light. It was Rithik. He untied me slowly and made me stand and helped me to walk, walk out of the dark room. He told me that he loves me a lot and the thing that captured me killed him. I was angry and hurt. My Rithik is dead and I did nothing to save him. He told in my ears that whatever happened has nothing to do with me because I am a form of love that nothing could break upon. He vanished. And I heard some girls voice calling my name, I lead myself to the voice and I reached here. Before you. And I confessed. I finally thought everything would end if I am dead but ma wanted me and I remembered Rithik's words. I think if I made the mistake, then I shouldn't end it. I should correct it. And moreover, the voice that called me was still going on, which means I should lead. So I did. I reached to an open sky. I found Nothing but two. Ankit and a knife. My mind wanted me to take the knife and kill him but suhana doesn't know all these. She only knows to love and to share it. My Rithik dead only in the trail of saving Ankit right. So I took the knife and went near him. He stood still like a dead. I threw the knife deep down the darkness so that I get to choose what Rithik wanted all these days. To save Ankit. And I don't know after that I fell down and struggled to get inside something and suddenly a flow of water made me enter, and I opened my eyes and saw Rajeev before me. I told him everything. "She told.

Ankit hugged her tightly and thanked God for giving his suhana back. Tara thanked and smiled at Rajeev. He patted her head.

"But where is Riya? "Asked Anita.

"We don't know. She was not there when I went there" told Rajeev.

"God help people this way. Let's not try to find the reasons," said Anita.

"Yea. And now everything is fine and suhana is disturbed and just need some mental therapy and she would be alright very soon" told Rajeev.

"No. All she needs is this mother's love and a family. I am taking my daughter home. "Told Anita holding her hands.

"Agreed," said Rajeev. They all smiled and went home. Suhana thanked everyone for their love and support and she looked at Rithik's picture at home and smiled with tears welling from her eyes. Tara and Ankit hugged each other. Anita called upon Ankit's father to tell him everything and Rajeev returned to his hospital.

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