Evil does exist. But does good?

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Chapter 5

Rithik is lost in staring at the moon. Then his eyes fell on suhana walking in the garden. He smiles. Ankit notices everything from behind, he couldn't resist asking him. He came near him and patted in his shoulder. Rithik was shocked for a moment and then he turned back. Ankit laughed at him. He smirked.

"Bhai, but seriously when is the right time? " asked Ankit.

"After your marriage, I think " he replied.

"Okay so tell her soon but for now you look at the moon because I'm going to take her home sorry. "He laughed.

Rithik stared at him and smiled.

He went down.

"Rithik, you didn't have dinner still! Why don't you come here otherwise I'll come up with stick" mocked Tara.

"Yea Tara I'm coming". Rithik smiled.

Ankit left with suhana. Tara served dinner to Rithik. She gets a message from Rajeev. She checked and became shocked. She quickly changed her reaction and told Rithik that she has to make a call and went to the kitchen.

"Hello Tara yes now it is your time," said Rajeev.

"Fine Ankit is out with suhana. Its good time to tell Rithik. You come here soon. " told Tara.

she then came to Rithik and told him that she has something to tell him.

He looked at her.

"Rithik, the thing is I never lost my memory," she told.

Rithik stood up and asked, "are you kidding? "

"No. I am sorry. I lied to everyone and now its time for you to know the truth. First of all its lot of information to be heard this moment. So the first thing is I didn't lose my memories. " she paused.

"Wow. That's enough. Tara, definitely you are joking right! " Ankit asked.

"Why would I joke? This is not the time for the small talks, listen Rajeev is not my lover. He is my cousin. He helped me in my play. "She told.

"Why would you play with us, have you ever thought how would this hurt Ankit? "Rithik shouted.

"I never wanted to play with you. I wanted to play with suhana. And as far as Ankit is concerned, this is for him. I knew them far before this play. " added Tara.

Rithik gave a confused look. Tara continued.

"Rithik, before 7 months suhana came to me. I'm not just a psychology student but I also practised black magic. Not to trap people but to save them. I did it for good. one day suhana approached me with Ankit's picture. She told me that she loves him, she wanted me to make him under her control. I never did those things so I refused. But I have asked her about him. She told me about his whole life history. Only I knew that when I refused to suhana telling that I don't practice black magic for bad motives, the truth is not only her but also I also fell in love with him. That moment. So I just wanted to meet him once and tell him that suhana loves him so that they both will live happily ever after. But when I tried I found suhana practising Blackmagic on her own. And I also found that because of that her parents were also killed. So then I realized suhana cannot be the right person for Ankit. Then I approached Rajeev for his help. He helped me with this play. I knew suhana would take me to this house cause she knew at one point only I can help her. My plan succeeded. Yesterday I took Rajeev here because I wanted to pressurize suhana on her truth. And that too worked. Like a lion in hunger fell for the trap of hunter, she fell in our trap. We found out about her secrets. This is high time for us. We have to save Ankit, not only him but also suhana from the hands of the devil. " she told.

"Wait. I have the hell lot of questions. Why? Why did you want to save us? " he asked.

"That's what I do. Save people and in our case. Ankit is going to be my husband. He is my life. "She smiled.

"Okay. So you loved Ankit so you did this play. But why didn't you stop her before, why did you let her parents die? " he asked.

"Well, it was too late for me to stop. When I came to know about this, her parents were already dead, that is why I didn't delay it further. "She answered.

"So why didn't you tell me before, and why this memory loss pranks?" He asked.

"You see Rithik, suhana cannot find that we found about her secret. It would be dangerous for her. this is not some drama this is devils magic. We need to be careful. And sorry no time for any more questions. I have found what type of magic she is using we have to head to suhana's place.  Rajeev would be waiting for us, please come with us? " she held his hands.

"Wait I don't know anything about black magic. In fact, I can't even digest that she loves Ankit this much that she could let go of her parents. But I trust you, you know why?  She knew that you were Tara even before and she constantly hides something from me and moreover I knew my suhana very well. Nowadays she is not my suhana and I could clearly see that. Can we stop this, can I get her back? " he asked with teary eyes.

"I could see your love for her. If you don't believe me at least believe in your love. Your suhana and Ankit would be safe. I will save them. I'll tell you everything about Blackmagic in the car . come let's go. " she hurried. They went to the car.

"I'm calling Ankit, let me know where they are," she told.

"Hello Ankit where are you? " she asked.

"Hey Tara, I'm with suhana. Can I talk to you later please? " he answered.

"Yup. Fine" she called off and asked Rithik to drive to suhana's place.

Suhana's place,

"Well suhana, you shouldn't have hidden this from me. Why do you think I'm against you. If you told this before I would have helped you na, and you won't be in need of doing all these" said Ankit holding her face.

"I thought you would think that I'm crazy" suhana stammered.

"Hey suhana, I care about you a lot you know why cause I love you and you are not crazy okay. Remember Ankit always stands with you, not against you. I have not told this to Rithik or Tara. Let this be a secret between us and I'll tell them when it is the right time. " he told her and they both hugged.

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