Together forever. As enemies?

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Chapter 2

Before moving further, let me ask you something. What does it mean when one says to another that they will be together forever? It doesn't mean that they will be for each other, it means they aren't supposed to be with another person except whom they have promised this.


"Sir, Ankit sir, and Suhana mam came here.. " said the peon.

"What for they are waiting? Ask them to come inside. " said the man taking off his glasses.

"Sir but they want you to come outside the building. They told they have a surprise. "

"These guys... Fine, I'll come. you go. " he stood up arranged his files, closed his laptop and turned off the lights and came outside. He then went to the first cabin and gave all the files to him and went out of his office.

He came out and surprised.

"Wow. You are here but he told me Ankit and suhana have come... " he asked putting up the coat.

"why brother?  Won't you come with me? "

"Of course Tara, but where are we going now? " Rithik asked surprisingly.

"where no one can find you" Tara smiled at him. He stared at her.

She forced him to sit in the car and looked at the security, he gave her a confused look. She smiled at him and he nodded his head and went.

At car,

"Ankit, actually I have an idea.. " suhana looked at him.

"Yea tell me," he asked.

"I'll go and pick up Rithik. Why don't you buy the gift and come to the park? " she asked.

"It is great" he stopped the car. She got down and he went.

She thought its best that Rithik would know about Tara when Ankit is not with him. She then calls Rithik but he didn't pick up the phone. She then tries his office and the security tells her that he left with Tara mam
She was shocked to hear this and calls Ankit.

"Ankit look your Tara has kidnapped Rithik.. " she shouted and Ankit laughed. She got irritated.

"Suhana, what are you saying yaar?  Rithik bhai got kidnapped and that too Tara did that? wow. Its quite good complain" he laughed.

"You think I'm joking then call her and ask. " before she could complete he told her that he got another call from Tara and he picked it up.

"Tara where are you? Rithik is with you I guess? " he asked.

"Yes, Ankit. I know you guys fail miserably in giving surprises so I took him to the park, you guys join me there soon," she answered.

"Thank god. This suhana was taking pressure for no reason at all. She is telling me that you have kidnapped Rithik. By the way, I'm in the gift shop we will be there soon. "

"Okay. I'll speak to suhana when she comes here. Come soon" she called off  And looked at Rithik. He was checking something on the phone. She went to him.

"Rithik can I ask you something? "

"Yes you can! " he told.

" what happened to suhana?  She is not fine these days," she told.

"Maybe her parent's death has affected her and after all, she is seeing mom taking care of papa and all these things may trouble her. "

"When will ma be home? "

"This weekend I guess. Papa is still not recovering. I think I should go there for him" he told.

"If you go there then Ankit has to handle business all alone right? " she asked.

"Not alone. suhana will help him. " he smiled.

"Suhana " she told in a husky voice.

"Did you said something? "

"No ". She smiled at him.

Ankit tells everything to suhana and asked suhana to meet them in the park. She apologized him for overreacting and told that she would be there.

In the park,

Ankit came with the cake, singing the song. Rithik and Tara smiled at him. He placed the cake in the table and hugged Rithik. Rithik asked for suhana and suhana comes from behind and covered his eyes. Rithik says he knows it's her and she hugs him. They all watch Rithik cutting the cake and Rithik takes the first piece and watches them. Both suhana and Ankit fights to have the first piece but Rithik moves and feeds it to Tara. Tara laughed and rubs the cake in his face. They all laugh and celebrates. Suhana seemed to be tensed. Rithik noticed it but didn't react. Then Ankit came to Rithik and told that he wanted to say something. Rithik nods and he started.

"You know us to be brothers but more than that Rithik is special to me. He is my mom's favorite child and I'm papa's. But every time I needed mom,  first I got him on my side and then I got mom. From childhood, he never respected or even bothered me as a human but I know how true and deep his love is for me. It is a blessing to have you, bro. Today I got Tara as my new world but Rithik would and will stay my universe forever. " he smiled in tears. Rithik too hugged him.

Suhana separated them and told they have to hear her.

"Rithik, as far as I know, is sincere, nerd. Workaholic and absolutely boring. The only plus for him is his looks. I don't know how did he turn to this garbage. I have never seen him play with children or anyone. I have never seen him chill. But I know one thing, this soul could never possibly hurt anyone. One of the genuine and kindest heart I  have ever met.  Love you yaar Rithik ". She hugged him tightly and he rubbed the cake all over her face.

Ankit asked Tara does she wanted to tell anything, Tara told, " Nothing but brother remember! You have fulfilled your responsibility very well and papa would be really proud of you for taking care of our family very well" she smiled. Rithik also smiled at her and told, " enough of this emotional drama can we go? " he asked. They all agreed but suhana came to him and told that she wants to say something and drags him to the corner.

"What happened suhana? "

"Rithik I don't have much time.  before they notice us let me tell you something, Tara is not a normal human. She is responsible for papa's illness and every other thing. She is evil. Don't trust her. I have evidence. " she warned him.

Rithik looked at Ankit and Tara happily dancing and worries, by that time Ankit calls him to come and they went. Suhana tells them that she got work and have to go. She then takes a cab and Ankit drives Rithik and Tara to home. Rithik thinks about suhana's words. And they get a call from suhana when they reached the home.

"Is this Ankit?  I'm speaking from a city hospital, this girl met with an accident and we have admitted her in this hospital. Will you come? "

Ankit was shocked and tells this to Tara and Rithik. Tara cries and Rithik stares at her remembering the words.

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