Heather and Jordan: Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Heather could hear the sound of soft snoring in her right ear.

She smiled.

Heather didn't know Jordan snored.
Then she noticed hair in her mouth.
Heather took it out and realized it belonged to Jordan.

She opened her eyes to see a pitch black room.
It was definitely after dark, maybe she had better get home.

The warmth of the blankets and Jordan's smooth, yet firm, body pleaded with her to stay.
Heather tried to remember where she put her phone. A hard sensation in the small of her back answered that question.
Heather shifted and grabbed the phone.

"Hm?" a sleepy Jordan mumbled, raising her head off of her pillow.
"Shh," Heather smiled at her, "go back to sleep."
"No," Jordan blinked her eyes several times, "not if you're awake."

Heather giggled softly.

"We fell asleep," Jordan informed her.

Heather smiled widely.

"Are you sure?" she asked, teasing.
"I think so," Jordan laughed, "what time is it?"

Heather touch her phone screen and both girls recoiled at the bright light.

"Ah," Heather said squinting, "5:09."

She turned the screen off.

"It got dark early," Jordan said quietly.
"I guess so," Heather agreed.
"Hungry?" Jordan asked, getting out of bed.

Heather noted how cute Jordan looked with her hair down.

"Starving!" Heather squeaked happily, as she began putting her wrinkled cheer uniform on.

The two entered the kitchen and Heather sat at the bar. Sarge wagged his tail at the sight of them.

"What sounds good?" Jordan asked the smaller girl.
"Pretty much anything," Heather said cheerily.
"Okay," Jordan opened the fridge, "uh...I'm not good at cooking."

Heather laughed.

"I'm not kidding," Jordan chuckled, leaning on the bar opposite Heather, "I've been known to grab an M.R.E. rather than cook."
"What's an M.R.E.," Heather asked.
"Oh, sorry," Jordan looked away awkwardly, "meal ready to eat, it's a military thing."
"Oh," Heather smiled, "okay."

The two talked and laughed while Jordan fixed up a frozen pizza.

"So," Heather began after a period of silence, "you haven't been in the military, but you use all kinds of military lingo..."
"I guess it comes from being around military people all my life," Jordan nodded, "pretty much the only person who wasn't military was my mom."
"What was she like," Heather asked reaching out to Jordan's hand.
"She was..." Jordan seemed to be looking for the words, "sweet."

Heather smiled.

"She was really girly," Jordan continued with a smile, "she was excited to have a daughter."
"All think all parents want to have one like them," Heather said softly.
"I'm not like her," Jordan said, looking down, "I was always more interested in playing cowboys with my brothers than learning how to braid my hair..."

Jordan's voice faltered as she finished her sentence.

"Jordan-" Heather began to say, but she was cut off by the sunlight that began seeping through the blinds of the window.

"What time did you day it was?" Jordan asked.
"Dammit," Heather cursed, "6:42...AM."
"We slept all night?" Jordan asked in disbelief.
"I guess so."

Jordan began pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"Wanna join me for a run?" Jordan asked, kind of awkwardly.
"I'm not sure I could keep up," Heather giggled, thinking of Jordan's long, toned legs, "and I actually have to be at school by 7:15."
"Oh," Jordan looked around, "okay."
"Is there any way you could drop my by my house?" Heather smiled.
"Yeah, yeah," Jordan nodded, "I've just got to get changed real quick."
"Okay," Heather said, following Jordan back upstairs.
Jordan began going through her dresser and picking out an outfit for the day, Heather sat on the bed and waited.

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