Kasumi: Chapter Twelve

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Kasumi came to school early because she had several things to work on.
Her math homework mostly.
She wished all the stereotypes about asians were true sometimes, but she was not that good at math.
It almost took her twice as long to finish her math homework than any other class.

Of course, it didn't help that her mind was focused on other things.

Over the weekend she had had some extracurricular duties to perform at school, and that's when it happened.
Kass got brave and stepped out of the locker-room naked, she didn't realise that after school hours and on the weekend the doors locked automatically.
The rush she got was insane, and so was the pleasure.
But when she heard that distinctive click, she began panicking. She began by running around the outside of the building try to get back in, and then was resigned to hide.
Kasumi turned to look through a window and saw Arya O'Neill looking at her, and taking a picture.
She almost died of embarrassment right then.
Arya had a reputation, to say the least.
Some viewed her as an ass-kicking punk-rocker chick, others, including Kasumi, saw her as a blight on the school, someone who disrupted everything the student council stood for.

Kasumi thought that was the end, she would post the picture, or video, and her dignity and reputation would fly down to the level of Astrid 'bubble-butt' Turner.
But Arya did something Kasumi didn't expect.
She offered help.
What's more, she found out later that she knew that Kasumi was on the student council.
Kass had been dead wrong about Arya, and then Arya even gave up her own shirt for Kasumi.
Not long after that, Kasumi had confessed her strange kink to Arya, still she was unsure why she did. But again, Arya surprised, and didn't care.

Arya had brought Kasumi to her home and lent her some clothes.
She didn't have any bra that would fit Kass but she did what she could.

Arya had teased Kasumi by saying she could 'relieve' herself using her bed, but Kass did indeed need relief, and made use of her bed.

Arya then took Kasumi to work, at her father's restaurant.

Kasumi couldn't stop thinking about the events of Saturday.
Arya had seen Kasumi completely naked, and Kasumi saw Arya's 'tits', as she put it.
Kasumi had wished she had shaved between her legs Saturday morning.

Kasumi began blushing as she thought of how much Arya saw, how much she had inadvertedly told Arya and how she had masturbated in Arya's room.
That was more intimate than she had been with anyone before.

Not only would her father not approve of her being intimate with a girl, but with one that had the ambition and reputation of Arya?

She finished the last equation and closed her book, with her homework inside it.

Heather Owly entered the school library and spotted Kasumi.

"There you are, Kass!" she almost shouted.
About ten "shhhh's" were heard.

"We were waiting for you at the front door!" she explained.
"Sorry," Kasumi said, a bit confused, "what for?"
"We have a new student to welcome today."
"Welcome..?" Kasumi did not know that was a duty of student council.
"Of course!" she squeaked, "Brad and Jo welcomed the last of the late bunch, and we have another straggler, so it's our turn."

Several more people shushed.

"Oh," Kasumi had blanked on this responsibility completely, "what all does a welcoming mean for us?"

Heather gathered Kasumi's books and pulled her from her seat.

"We get to give the new student a tour, introduce her to the teachers, help them find their locker, show them where the students park, and help them set up their meal ticket, among other small things," she explained, "and we get out of first period, so it's a win-win!"

Another shushed them.

"Oh, uh, okay," Kasumi said quietly, trying to shake Arya O'Neill out of her head.
"So that's where we're going right now, to prepare."

Soon Heather had brought Kasumi into the hallways, filled with lockers.

"So," she started, "we are looking for...is this an eight?"
"No, it looks like a zero with the line through it," Kass deciphered, "or it could be a messed up six."
"Well, this is gonna be fun," Heather sighed, "just try 7183, 7103 and 7163, one of them should be unlocked."
"Alright," Kasumi agreed.
"I'll be right back." Heather went around the corner, probably headed for the office, Kasumi surmised.

Kasumi walked over to locker number 7103, the closest to her.
Locked up tight.
She then found locker number 7163, and found it open, but a mountain of pieces of paper fell out.
Whoever owned this locker was very messy.
Kasumi put them back into the locker as best she could and quickly shut it.

The last locker was number 7183.
She opened it up.
It was full of text-books, pencil bags, binders and...cans of spray paint..?
Kasumi looked at a binder which read:
ARYA'S SCIENCE BINDER scrawled across it in black.
She gasped.

It seemed Arya couldn't be moved from her mind even when she was thinking of other things.
Kasumi quickly shut the locker and walked down the hall toward locker number 7103.

Soon Heather returned with the correct locker number.

"So, it was actually 7703, but that seven looked way more like a one," she complained.
The halls were steadily becoming more active with students, and there was still twenty minutes before the bell rang.

The welcoming commitee made their way to the locker and opened it up.
It was empty, indicating they had the right one.

Heather placed a welcome card inside, which also had the combination.

"We should be in the office when they arrive," Heather thought outloud, "do you think so, Kass?"
"That sounds...welcoming," Kasumi added, making Heather smile again.

They headed toward the office, Heather stopped once or twice to have a conversation with another cheer-leader.

Soon enough, they were standing next to each other in the waiting area of the office.

"So," Kasumi began, "did you volunteer for the welcoming commitee or does that come with being cheer-captain?"
"Both," Heather giggled, "I like both aspects of my position."
"Are you still campaigning?" Kasumi teased.

Heather chuckled.

"I guess it's hard to turn it off after you start," she said, taking a deep breath.
"I can imagine."

Just then a red-headed girl wearing a hoodie and jeans and her older red-headed sister walked through the door.

"Hi, are you new students here?" Heather practically sang, cutting off the receptionist.
"Uhm," the younger girl said, hesitantly, "I am."
"Alright, May," the older said, "I'll see you at home."

She kissed her on the head.

"Mom..." the younger said, beginning to blush.
"Oh," Heather squeaked, "you're her mother?"
"Yes," Amanda answered.
"You look so young!" she stated, baffled.
"Well, thank you," Amanda laughed.
"I mean you barely look older than her!" She continued.
"Heather," Kasumi nudged her.
"Sorry!" Heather said, perhaps a little too loud.
"It's okay," Amanda said, smiling patiently, "alright, bye, hun."
She then turned out the door and left.
"I'm Kasumi Watanabe, and this is Heather Owly," Kasumi told the girl, "but you can call me Kass, everyone does.
"Maisie McCoy," she replied, "nice to meet you."
"You too."
"We're going to be showing you around on your first day!" Heather chirped.

The receptionist broke in.
"Excuse me, miss? Can you sign in for me, so your counted present for your first class?"

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